Chapter 28

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I wake up to the smell of food and I smile a little bit along with sitting up. Sarah must be cooking and I'm starving. I get out of bed and put on some shorts along with heading downstairs. Nick sat at the table and dad was already gone..that's weird. He usually is here in Saturday's but maybe he had to go to work real quick..I dunno. Sarah smiled and said "So. Have fun on your date last night?" I feel my cheeks go red and shrug along with sitting at the table. "It was fun..just nice to have someone to hang out with that's not from school or work. Jon is a really nice guy.." Sarah puts the food on the table and I said "Where's dad? I'd thought he would come to breakfast.." Sarah shrugs and said "He wasn't in bed this morning..probably went to work to get some stuff caught up..nothing you need to concern yourself in.." I raise an eyebrow and Sarah shrugs along with sitting down. I put a few strips of bacon and some eggs on my plate. I eat and check my phone. Jon sent me a few messages and was asking me to meet him at his apartment later today. "Sarah. Did dad take the car?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "Can I use it? Jon and I are gonna hang out at his apartment." I ask and Sarah bites her lip. "I guess.." she says and Nick looks at me with a small smirk. "And what are you going to do?" Nick asks and I glare at him. "We are gonna screw if your wondering that." I said and I hear Sarah sigh in relief. "Thank god. Your father would kill you if you lost your.." Sarah continues on and I ignore her along with finishing my food. I put my plate in the dishwasher along with going upstairs and I go to the bathroom along with getting a quick shower in along with going to my bedroom. I put on my shirt, pants, jacket, and shoes. I keep my hair down and smile along with looking in the mirror. I didn't look that bad and I smile a little bit. I grab my phone, wallet, and charger to my phone. I head downstairs and I grab the keys to the car along with saying goodbye to Sarah. She tells me to be safe and I promise I would be. I head downstairs and hit the unlock button along with getting in the car. I rarely drive because New York City is not an easy place to drive through. In better words, it's a hellhole and it gets insane. But I wanted to take the car out for a drive and I would drive to Jon's apartment that was a while away. I start the car and plug my phone in along with playing some music from my phone. I start to drive and I make sure that I am focused on driving. Accidents were so common in New York that I tried to avoid them and I would rather not have a car accident. Dad would be so pissed because I had crashed his car. I kept driving and I hum along with the song along with stopping at the stop sign. I check my phone and it was from Jon. He said he would be at his apartment soon and I smile. He had worked his hospital shift late last night and he was gonna be a bit late. I drive still and I stop at the stop light along with staring at my sights around me. The city was amazing and I loved it so much. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else..I always loved New York City and I know Dad did. He rarely talked about where he was born because there were painful memories and I never asked because he would never ask. The light changes to green and I start to drive then something slams into my car. Shit. Another car had hit me and the glass windows shatters. I get cut and my leg hurts like fucking hell. What a motherfucking asshole..I think and I can already hear sirens but I can't tell. I reach my hand to my head and it's bleeding heavily. Shit..fuck..I'm so screwed and blood runs down my face. My leg is broken and my left arm hurts pretty bad. Probably broken as well and I lie my head on the wheel along with starting to pass out. The next few minutes are blurry and I can remember hearing voices along with people helping me out of the car. I can hear the sirens and I am set on a stretcher along with being put in the ambulance. I finally give into the darkness and someone is murmuring but I don't listen.

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