Chapter 20

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I have stayed in my seat all night, except when I got food and no one has talked to me at all. I sat there like I hated my life and maybe that's why they avoided me. I finally get up and go to the bar along with getting a water. There was champagne in my spot at the table but I didn't want to drink it. I sit back down and I look around along with seeing Nick with Dad and Sarah. They're little happy family and the outcast, me. Uncle Hank left early, so I had no one to talk to and I just sat there. Nick heads to the table and he said "Hey big sis. Why are you sitting?" I frown and said "Not in the mood." He sighs and rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like you have a stick up your ass. It's their wedding..they don't need your dumb consent to get married." He storms off and my mouth hangs open. Nick is never that rude..maybe he just drank too much champagne but I don't think Sarah and Dad would let him drink.  I eat some more food and I drink half of the champagne. I feel my phone buzz and I look at it. 'Come outside.-J' I rose an eyebrow and I decide to go outside along with looking around. "Hey kid." I hear moms voice say and I turn around along with seeing her lean on her car. I frown and said "What do you want?" She sighs and said "I just need to talk..and I promise this time..I won't throw you in a closet.." I sigh and I said "Fine.." She looks over at the building and said "Haven't been here since my wedding with your was..nice..we already had you..and then everything went to shit.." She sighs and I look at her. "Your father and I split..because we weren't fit for each other..we had constant fights.." I nod and said "That's what he tells me..but it doesn't make sense to me.." She nods and said "I know it doesn't kid." She steps up to me and she looks at me. "You look like me..a lot. Not the hair have his suits you though." I nod and said "Mom...why did you never come back? To get me? Why didn't you ever come to see if I was okay?" She sighs and said "I wanted too..I actually worried about you..everyday. I always wondered if Kevin was feeding you, giving you love, and making sure that you were okay..I always wondered what you were doing and what you were learning..I always wanted to talk to you but your father..didn't want me to. I respected his wishes..." I nod and I said "I get it...but why didn't you ever..I don't to me out of home?" She sighs and said "I don't know..but I see that you turned out a lot better than me..I was not always a perfect child or student..just ask Aunt Trish." I rose my eyebrow and I said "I've met her." Jessica nodded and said "I know." We both chuckle and I look at her. She smiled at me and she said "You should probably get back inside...Your father will go ballistic if he can't find you." I nod and give her a hug. She awkwardly hugs me back and I separate along with smiling. "Thanks mom." She nods and walks off. I walk back inside and I go into the room. Sarah and Dad walk up to me. "You can't run off like that!" They say and I nod along with looking down. They look at me and they sigh along with smiling. "Here you go." Dad says and he hands me something. They walk off and I open a small box. It's a necklace with my name and I smile to myself. I put it on and I see Nick on the dance floor. I watch my nerd brother and I decided to join him. They play On My Mind by Ellie Goulding and we dance like idiots. I can see Sarah and Dad staring at us but we kept dancing. The rest of the night was fun and I was glad to be there. That chip on my shoulder has gone away and I was actually happy to be there. I eventually sat down and took off the heels that I wore that were making my feet sore. Dad sat down and he says "I've never seen you dance so hard..I've seen you dance in your bedroom but nothing like that." I chuckle and looked over at Nick who was dancing with Sarah. I nod and said "I had a lot more energy.." He nods and said "That's good Haiz." We sat there and watched as people danced. The night went on pretty fast and we went back to the apartment. I changed out of the dress and I put on a tank top along with staying in my underpants. I lie in my bed and turn off my light. I yawn and I hear my door open. "She must have passed out." I hear dad say and he comes over along with kissing my head. "Night Haiz." They both leave and go into their room. I fall asleep with a smile on my lips.

Hailee Jones-ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now