Chapter 2

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Kylo Ren loomed over the small figure of Rey curled into a little ball as she slept tucked in the corner. She began to move in her sleep, whimpering too, as her dreams consumed her. She awoke in a sharp gasp, the name Kylo Ren at the tip of her tongue. Rey shrank against the huts wall, consumed in horror and something else simmering beneath it all, as she saw Kylo Ren. She was trapped or felt trapped. Kylo's face was impassive as she glared at his unmasked self. The thing that took Rey's heart and squeezed it uncontrollably in sharp painful ways, was that curved scar she gave him. Beauty still lay upon his face, his hair looking soft and curled in ways Rey wanted to groom her hand through it. It hurt, she realized, looking at that scar. It brought back terrible memories. It hurt her also to see him like this, his eyes were glazed in pain. The feeling was anew and strange, the connection between them was forging them together. Even binding them in this very moment in which they both still stared into each other's eyes. 

Rey felt something wrong. It didn't even feel real. Maybe she didn't want it to be real. Rey finally said something "What are you doing here?!." Her voice came out wobbly. Rey didn't want to fight him. Not even from what he did to her dearest friend Finn, and her fatherly figure. Han Solo. It all seemed to be forgotten. The anger and hatred were still their though. It was all forgotten in a vast never ending desert that she couldn't catch as it flew away. Away from her. She wanted to take it back. Rey was very forgiving and she seemed to of forgiven him already. Impossible. He's a monster.

His voice was profoundly gentle when he spoke: " I need your help." Rey's eyes widened and she snapped "I'm not joining the Dark Side!"

 Rey felt tempted by the words, joining Dark Side, but she kept those away into the dark pits of her minds that were forbidden to her. Sometimes unreachable, like her past life. Her parents. "That's not what I meant at all" he said, sounding hurt. The rebuke definitely hurt him, she wanted to apologize but was too nervous too. 

"Then what is it that you meant?" she asked, surprising herself by using a calm voice. He paced the room a few times and Rey followed him with deer-like eyes, taking in everything. He sat on the bed, her eyes were curious and warm. All the hatred she once felt was--gone. The closeness in which they were together was disturbing, a passing energy went through Rey. She wanted to grab that energy and she did, Ren sensed it, he hid his pleased face from her. 

"Well?" she asked.

 "I need you to help me take down Snoke. Destroy the Dark Side once and for all" he said, sounding vengeful already. 

"He's coming after you for your powers" Rey's heart dropped. "What's in it for me?" she asked curiously, looking deep into his warm chocolatey eyes. Rey was feeling confused, wasn't he evil? A monster?! She was melting within him, coming into his desolate mind. Rey knew about Snoke but not enough.

"Everything Rey. You can be bathed upon riches. Idolized for saving the Galaxy" he replied, tempting her. He was imagining it already. She saw herself standing beside him in a silk dress. His mother, Leia, admiring them for their heroism. Just what he wanted. Them to be together. And Kylo Ren to be thought of as Ben Solo. Han Solo's son. Rey came out of his mind, sitting up. A shiver went up her spine as her bare feet hit the cold ground. "That's what we could have?" she asked, still backtracking in her mind, viewing it all again.

The sun filtered through, and Rey found herself admiring the way the sun licked him in a blaze of light. He didn't look like a monster at all. Someone heroic. Mighty. And Dark and taunting at the same time. "How did you find me?" she asked. "Through our connection" he simply stated. Rey lapsed in silence, deep in thought.  

A loud voice broke the silence;"Rey?" It was Luke. Rey turned to where Kylo Ren sat, but he had vanished. Her pounding heart sunk to the depths, she frowned. "What is it Master Luke?" she asked, coming out of her hut. She grabbed her staff where she left it last night, placing it around herself to rest. "Are you hungry?" he asked. She wasn't hungry at all. All her mind was worrying about was Kylo Ren. She wasn't dreaming. And Rey was not dreaming now. She closed her eyes.

Rey opened her eyes as the sentence repeated in her mind: Snoke is coming after you for your powers. Luke gave Rey a look of confusion, she mustn't speak a word about this to him. But she felt a strong need to. Rey's mouth was gaping open, she hadn't realized, and she snapped it shut. "What is is Rey??" he asked, his gray eyebrows coming together. "Many things...Luke..." she stuttered and burst into warm sweltering tears

Rey had told Master Luke everything over her heated tears. She pulled her arms closer around her legs as she rocked on her bed, thinking somewhere far off. Luke stood right outside her hut, his eyes glazed in anger. "I'm sorry Master.." Rey spoke, her lower lip wobbling. 

"Ben Solo is coming for you..." he said, sounding distant and far away. 

She wanted to reach out to Kylo Ren with her mind but found it near impossible to. 

Luke was sensing something. Rey thought he heard him wrong. Wished that wasn't the case. She wanted it to not be real.She asked "What?" He said it slower this time "Ben Solo is coming for you..." Rey's eyes widened, fear lacing her heart. Luke said "No reason to cry about it Rey. I know there is much more Light than Dark in that boy. You're helping him and yet you don't realize it. You've shared a bond with him that will be in place forever. He needs your help. He's in pain" he said. 

As if the word pain actually hurt she felt her stomach pound with pain. Her mind too.Rey finally sniffed, wiping away the tears. She told herself to not cry anymore. He continued "I don't think you need training from me...Ben would be a better teacher. I'm an old Jedi and supply no use for anyone..You're strong with the Force." The mention of the Force made Rey's heart pick up a beat. A question came to her mind. "Who are my parents? Where are they?" this brought back tears. And a haunting look to cross Luke's subtle features

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