Chapter 15

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"I can't believe Rey is with that monster" Finn fumed while Rose organized bombs onto shelves. She stopped her task to face him, sending him a glare. Feeling accused Finn bellowed "Please don't tell me everyone here now suddenly forgives him?" Rose said nothing but deepen her glare. "Say something Rose!" At the mention of her name she did "He's not a monster. Villains are humans you know" she shuffled to another bomb "He's not with the First Order anymore so this conversation is done." Finn's arms flew up in the air, exasperated. "Also that's Leia's son so please don't make this any harder than it has been for her" Rose added before she left Finn to think of his actions. 

Poe entered Finn's room, giving an almost nonexistent knock at the door. "Rose told me everything buddy. I get for some people it's harder to forgive those who slashed their back..."

Finn shot him a look, making Poe stop mid-sentence. He held up his hands "I mean I don't really like the guy. There's still something off about him but Rey...Rey seems to be in love with him."

Finn shot up from his bed, going over his hair. "Impossible" he said in a hushed voice. Poe nodded "I think they're connected. I was eavesdropping--" Finn cut him off "Look give them privacy I don't care if we don't like him. This is about Rey too."

Poe nodded, his eyes full of understanding. His tone was petulant "Would if he tries to hurt her?" "Poe Dameron!" Finn slapped his arm and he chuckled. His eyes were full of light looking at his best friend. "He won't. Rey is too strong and too kind to deserve that." Poe's head angled towards Finn and he felt his breath-- "FINN! They have the dessert special!" Rose came in. Poe slowly walked around Rose and Finn looked after him, feeling confused. Finn smiled "I'll be on my way..." She nodded and left. What was with Poe acting all weird?  Why did he leave the room? Finn shook his head, scattering his thoughts away. 


Ben's voice was velvety soft as he spoke to his mother the next day. Rey could have sworn she saw the heart monitor jump every time Ben talked to Leia as if to say in response; I hear you. Rey sat at the table, eating more of the divine fruit and bread. She was enjoying herself so much that she didn't notice Ben's voice raising "Mom?!" Leia's heart monitor beeped erratically, her head tilted to the side but her eyes were sealed shut. A few more beeps from the monitor and her eyes slowly opened to look at her son. She smiled and Ben turned. Rey thought he was going to usher her over to them, to join the little family reunion. His eyes were somewhere else. Rey felt a prickle in the Force, following his gaze she saw Luke standing in the door in a gray cape and Jedi clothes. Leia gasped

"Luke!" She began to cough and Ben patted her back. "My son" she angled her head to Ben and Rey noticed that tears were falling from his eyes.

"Rey.." she whispered, eyes scanning the room. When her eyes stopped on Rey she stopped eating in mid-chew.

Ben glanced at her. "You two have some explanting to do" Luke countered, pointing accusingly at them. He moved over to his sister and enveloped her in a big hug

 "I knew you would come back eventually" Leia mused to Luke.

He let out a gruff laugh, his other hand on Ben's back. Rey felt out of place and knew she should be in that embrace but she wasn't part of his family. Was she?  Rey sought a belonging for so long, wanted a family so bad that it hurt to look at it without being in it. "Rey you are a part of this family" Luke stood, offering a hand. She took it and smiled, feeling Ben's eyes very much on hers. His eyes held such devoted affection she felt herself beginning to cry. Luke took her in a hug while her tears fell on his cloak.

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