Chapter 11

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Rey felt Ben move next to her, wrapped up in his strong arms. He was murmuring something from between his lips. Rey kissed his nose and he shifted, bringing them closer together. Rey giggled as his lips traced a trail down her neck and then retracting back to where he started. The door to the room suddenly opened, revealing Leia in a white dress. "Ben--" she stopped short as she realized what she was looking at. Rey jumped out of bed, putting her clothes back on as fast as she could. Blood was running deeply into her face turning her cheeks rosy red, a feeling of embarrassment flooding into her. Leia looked suddenly pale, no remaining colors filled her beautiful features. Ben stood, his shirt still off "We--" "Don't explain, please" Leia's voice cracked on the last word. "While you two lie in bed with each other doing God know's what Snoke is looking for my son" she snapped in a severe tone. Her eyes were rounded with anger and sympathy. Rey realized she was talking directly to her. She faced Leia, becoming nervous from her rising anger. "You are a distraction to him!" Leia advanced towards her, she shriveled back in her remaining space between them. "Thanks to you the First Order is going to get rid of us once they make their way here!" her voice raised in an octave. Rey's hearts gave off panicked beats, she noticed how Ben was clenching and unclenching his fists. She gave him a worried look over her shoulder, he met her glance for a split second. "It's not my fault! He came to me! Your damn son took me." Rey cried. Leia's mouth opened and closed. This wasn't Leia at all.


"Is this true Ben?" her voice wavered in anger. He nodded, saying nothing. After a few beats, he said: "I'll go back." The words felt like knives prodding into Rey's skin. "Go back and do what?" Leia asked for Rey. She stood between them in silence, her inner voice shouting over her conscious thoughts of: no, don't let him go! "--I'm not letting you go alone" Rey blurted. "Rey no you can't--" "I'll be your apprentice, Snoke won't question it when I'm right by your side." Ben blanched. Leia nodded "She's right. It's risky but she can help you take down Snoke." "You say it as if it were that easy! Snoke is a strong warrior with the Force. He is very sinister and will do anything in his power to get what he wants!" Ben shouted, the familiar anger Rey knew all too well pronounced itself on his face. "I can't have Rey get hurt because of my actions!" he added. "I want to help you. So let me" Rey said softly, in a pleading tone. Rey always and wanted to get her way. Ben saw this. He looked over at her and back at Leia. "Don't let her" he said through clenched teeth. His mother shook her head. "It's the only way..."

Ben flicked some buttons, the Falcon's engine roaring to life moments after. Rey's stomach resembled the shaking of the Falcon, she was very nervous to meet Ben's apprentice. His own nerves were transferring over to her's, making her tremble. They were connected so they felt each other's emotions whether they wanted it or not. His eyes stayed fixed on the stars as if he couldn't look anywhere else. "What does Snoke look like?" Rey dared to ask him. His eyes didn't move, she noticed they were glazed in sheer terror. Despite his motionless eyes Ben's hands busily worked with the controls, fidgeting here and there. "He's very ugly. Snoke is not human, he's a monster in it's purest form" he said after minutes of silence. "I'm sorry for ever calling you a monster" she blurted. He scoffed, resting back into the seat. His eyes trailed onto her face, shaking his head. Ben's beautiful raven hair swayed in the starlight. Where his eyes went she felt it like a feather gracefully stroking her cheek. "You shouldn't apologize for something like that. I don't blame you" he said, resting his feet up on the dash. Rey yelped "Show some respect!" She shoved aside his feet. He chuckled. Rey froze. Was that the first laugh out of him? She thought for a moment and relished the sound of it from only a moment's past. Rey thought of the first time she came in the Falcon, how it saved her and Finn's life. She honored the Falcon with her life. It was once Han Solo's until he passed away only a few weeks ago. Rey couldn't think of it any longer. "Ohmygod" Rey staggered up. "I left my lightsaber on the Island, how could I have forgotten that?!" "I don't know but without one, you will surely be dead" "Gee thanks--" "With or without one I believe that you could protect yourself, with what Luke was taught you" "Well I was only on the island for two days. I haven't learned anything!" Rey protested. Ben stood, coming to eye level with Rey "I'll teach you." I can show you the ways of the Force! She shivered, remembering those words. She nodded. "Okay your training begins now" he waved his hand.

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