Chapter 21

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"You can be bathed upon riches. Idolized for saving the Galaxy..." 

Rey was standing next to Ben in a silk dress. Something she's never worn before. From a step below was Leia beaming up at them both, her eyes heavy with admiration. Everyone else was down the line, seemingly not being noticed. Rey continued smiling and each of the stars winked out, one by one.

Rey woke up next to Ben, his head settled on her arm. She was confused. The vision she saw didn't happen. It was supposed to of been when they arrived after the battle. Right? Rey closed her eyes again and imagined it. No one wore metals and in fact, everyone was seated in chairs before them. Poe, Finn, and Rose too. Ben was in a suit--

"Rey?" She rose from the bed, her lungs heavy, her breathing labored. "Did you have a nightmare?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on her back. Rey shook her head, still taking in deep breaths while her lungs strained in agony. Why couldn't she breathe? Ben noticed this and his reaction was to pick her up, cradling her in his bulky arms. He dropped her delicately onto a couch, hovering over her saying "Breathe Rey! Breathe!"Rey sucked in a deep breath which felt like needles piercing through her lungs. Why?  She thought of talking, thought she said something because her lips moved. Rey heard nothing and she was enveloped in this terrifying darkness that was not kind. 

Ben's gait was rigid with worry as he paced outside the room Rey was in. From where Rose sat in the medial waiting room she could tell there were tears in man's eyes. Finn and Poe had come from directly from a meeting as it started, too concerned for their friend than usual politics. Ben thanked them for coming and Rose sensed that he was very protective of her. Anyone could notice. Finn and Poe both had their heads bent down in a silent prayer while Rose watched with curious eyes. She wanted to see if her friend was okay now. Not in a few hours. They said that they have no idea what's wrong with Rey. Leia and Ben sensed it was something with the Force which unhinged them because it was nothing anyone's heard of. It scared Rose to the bones, her body shaking from her nerves. 

"You alright Rose?" a deep voice said. Rose hid her revelation from Ben as she blushed. "I'll be alright thanks" she stammered. He gave her a small smile, a kind one. He went back to the nurse who stood outside the door from Rey. He nodded, biting the inside of his cheek.  It was so strange how he had been the leader of the First Order and now was by Rey's side with the Resistance. Rose got the hint that the only reason why he turned was Rey and Rose thought it was marvelous. She never thought of true love but she thought that they were the perfect love story. A fairytale. 

"Rose" Finn shifted closer to her. "You look like your about to throw up." She shook her head whispering too harshly "I'm fine." He took her hand, cold and clammy against her calloused palms. She smiled at the love of her life and kissed him. At first, it was uncomfortable but then when he pushed back with a strong force she gasped she gave him her all for a small sliver of time. "We shouldn't do this here" he chuckled. Ben was still talking to the nurse, his back to them. Thank goodness he didn't see that mess. Poe, on the other hand, looked like he just saw someone die. When he caught her looking he gave her a painful like smile. 

Ben couldn't take another word from the nurse. He lashed out at her. Something he did when he was a leader of the First Order. The nurse flew back into a wall, her bones cracking. So the Dark Side hadn't forgotten about him. He felt a deep satisfaction but it was painful. He shouldn't he rejoicing in this. Finn shouted, "What the hell?!" Guards rushed in, Leia leading them. "Is Rey alright--" she broke off mid-sentence when her eyes latched upon the crippled women. He felt the fear like metal on the tip of his tongue. He bit it down from screaming, hiding his anger and only clenching his fists at the sides. Rey is okay he repeated to himself. "Ben did you do this?" his mother asked quietly, her tone forcefull. Rey is okay. Rey is okay. When he didn't answer his mother he barged into the room and saw Rey awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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