Chapter 5

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The Falcon slowed down as they flew over water and many green things. Rey didn't know any species of plants. All she knew was parts, garbage, and sand. Anything that provided a substantial use to her on Jakku. "Where are we?" Rey asked curiously. Besides the ecosystem that thrived beautifully their was a big city that was beautiful too. They passed over the city. "Naboo" Ben said. Rey heard of the name before, but she didn't know where she was in the Galaxy. It was nice-for once-not knowing where she was. It didn't matter. She was with him.
Their was something indescribable on Ben's face Rey couldn't define. His eyes were wide in awe as he peered out at a wide deep green meadow with waterfalls that surrounded the meadow and glistened in the sun. The sight was just enough to make Rey tear up. The place was so tranquil and peaceful. "Oh my gosh I've never seen anything more beautiful" Rey whispered with such emotion that brought Ben's attention over to her. Ben thought, me neither. Ben has never see anyone as beautiful as Rey.
He was thinking of the many ways Ben felt whole because of her. She was beautiful in many ways. The way her hazel eyes lit up or glinted in light. The way the small tendrils of hair fell from her face in her three knobs. When she gave him that warm smile. Or even when she snarled at him, hatred glittering behind those hazel eyes, he thought it was beautiful. Every time he looked over at her Ben found something to smile about. Ben never smiled.

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