Chapter 12

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Rey felt the water smack into her body and she screamed. Why was she always finding ways to fall into the water? Her mouth opened to increase the oxygen in her lungs. Instead, the salty sea water filled her mouth and she was throwing up above the waves. Her arms flailed to keep her up but they were slowly becoming weak. "BEN!" she cried out right before the water consumed her body. Rey was consumed with fear, she hated the feeling. She could no longer feel her hands or arms so they weren't able to get her above the water. She broke above the water for a second before going back down under. She let the water consume her until her final breath......

It was a while before she felt his hands.

It was the same as last time except for this time he was crying. It took Rey a moment to notice because he was soaked and dripping with the sea's water. "Why are you crying?" she chocked. She felt the rising water coming from her throat and she had no choice but to vomit onto the grass. "I shouldn't have done that Rey I'm so sorry" he gasped out. "I can't lose you." Rey was about to say something back but Luke showed up. "Ben!" he rushed over to his nephew with a great amount of concern in his eyes. He swayed his uncle away "Rey's the one who doesn't know how to swim." I stood "I'm alright. You two need to stop worrying about me!" Ben looked as if she was talking another language. Luke looked like he would rather be somewhere else. "That's impossible Rey..." Ben stood, wringing out parts of his suit. His black suit and black hair made him look very beautiful, much better when he was a mess. He was a handsome mess. Luke left, clearly feeling the tension between them. "Make it possible" she insisted between her teeth. He let out an impatient noise. He came very close to her. So close she could make out the specks of dark colors in his brown eyes. "You should appreciate someone caring for you" "Not when they're constantly bothering you and not leaving them alone!" she shot back. He looked at her incredulously "I'm giving you plenty of space!" "Give me more" she said and turned swiftly on her heels. "I am not leaving you like this" he said darkly, his hand kept her from moving. "What do you mean?" "I hate arguing with you. It pains me." She bit back a smart reply and thought much better of it. "Don't let things like that pain you." He laughed "I'll try." "Should we go to your master now?" Ben's facade of calm vanished to be quickly replaced by a look of illness. "I wish not but we have to do this as soon as possible." Rey nodded "I'll go get ready."

Rey adjusted her buns to her new hairstyle. She pulled back a strand of hair so nothing would be in her face. Looking at herself in the mirror, she dreaded that maybe Ben wouldn't like it. Why do I care? She wanted a change for once. Rey felt and saw Ben. He was almost transparent. "The Force is connecting us together Rey.." he whispered. They already knew they were connected in some way...She blinked but he didn't vanish. Her skin crawled with the sudden realization that they were indeed connected, she could hear and feel him. See him. They had bonded. "How?" she stammered. He shook his head, slowly she realized he had vanished. Her eyes were filled up with too many tears to see clearly. Rey felt a hand on her shoulder "You and I are meant to be." Ben's voice was clear and she was aware of the raw emotion in them. She peeled away from him, the emotion too much for her to handle. "What are we going to do about this?" she asked hesitantly. "Let the Force do what it wants" he said sharply. "Luke doesn't believe that I'm not part of the First Order anymore. He tried to kill me when I was a student because he saw darkness in me." Rey dropped her lightsaber she had picked up. Ben bent over to grab it, returning it to her shaking hands. "He tried to kill you?!" she gasped. Rey felt the sadness coming off from him in waves. Along with that was a pure rage. Rey felt enraged, if Luke ever tried to hurt him again she would kill Luke if she could. "We should leave" she exited the hut. She scanned the island for any signs of Luke. She heard creatures call and spotted something white and brown fluttering in the air. He was nowhere to be seen. Ben made his way down the vibrant grass to the Falcon. She ran after him. They were going to the First Order, to destory Snoke once and for all.

The elevator ride up to Snoke's throne room was filled with some sort of tension they both couldn't ignore. Rey faced him "I feel the conflict in you. You are both Light and Darkness." He almost allowed a smile to form on his lips. The door whooshed open and she straightened up like a rod. Rey saw Snoke, his pale wrinkled skin made bile rise in her throat. He was very ugly and she couldn't help but notice how menacing he looked in a simple yellow robe. "Kylo Ren" he rasped. Ben kneeled before his leader, looking like he was about to fall to pieces. "You've brought the girl I see" Snoke looked down at  her "Rey." She gave him a dark look. Ben didn't say anything. "Come to the Dark Side Rey, you will enjoy its pleasures it can give you." Rey shook her head "Never. You underestimate Ben. We will cru--" She stopped before she revealed what they were here to do. He gave her a sinister look, his pitiless eyes took her in with mock pity. His hand rose and she couldn't move, her muscles tightened together. She rose in the air and she screamed at the pain "BEN!!" Snoke said menacingly "Fulfill. Your. Destiny!" Rey's voice rose in a cold tone "No!" She was dropped to the ground, the breath wheezing out from her lungs. Red guards inched towards her as she reached for her lightsaber. She ignited it and rose to a defending stance. It was whipped out her hand by an invisible force and onto Snoke's throne. He laughed in a cold heartless manner. This creature was a monster! "Kylo Ren. Hux has never returned. Where is he?" Snoke said conversationally. Ben stood "I killed him. He wasn't respectively taking my orders." "But where were you?" "I was capturing the girl for you, she means absolutely nothing to me and I will finish her as you have told me to do so before leaving." Snoke grinned. It didn't look good at all on his face. Rey was still digesting his words, the meaning of them. Did he ever love her? This was all a trick! Tears rimmed her eyes, she blinked them away. "She is the Last Jedi, it is time for them to end" Snoke stood. "I'm the Last Jedi?" she said in fascination and in horror. If she was going to die...She closed her eye and thought of Finn. She loved Finn. If Ben never loved her she would go back and she would have Finn. "Join the Dark Side or die" Snoke countered. "Never" Rey growled. His hand rose and she was thrown around the room and she was spinning until she landed before Snoke again. She moaned in pain, her whole entire body was consumed with it. Rey reached out with the Force, and Ben's lightsaber was in her hand. Guards ran towards her. She took them down with vicious strikes. When they fell Ben took his lightsaber back, staring at Rey in adoration. Snoke raged "KILL HER REN!" Kylo aimed his lightsaber at her, pointing it towards her chest. She looked up at him, her only hope in the whole galaxy. His lower lip wobbled, his eyes big in agony. She noticed his right hand was signaling to something. Behind her, she heard a lightsaber ignite. Snoke was cut in half on his throne. She felt a thrill of shock go through her. Rey arched up, her arm reaching for the lightsaber. It flew to her hand and they both faced the Praetorian Guards with menacing stances. One by one they fought them off against their odd igniting weapons. One sliced Rey's arm and Ben, across the room, met her eyes. She finished it off and faced Ben who was in a dangerous choking hold. "BEN!" She threw him her lightsaber and he ignited it fast, putting a hole through the guard's face, not breaking his stare on her. Embers of light were falling all around the room from the fight. Each one cast a beautiful glow on Ben's face. Rey got back her saber and watched him as she caught her breath. 

"Join me Rey" he held out a hand. Rey suppressed a scream, quelled her anger. "No Ben don't do this!" "We can rule the Galaxy together you and me!" She shook her head. She could tell he was hiding his emotions. His lips pursed "LET IT GO! LET THE PAST GO!" he shouted. Rey let the tears she was holding back fall. "Give me that lightsaber!" he shouted. The lightsaber flew out from her belt. She wouldn't let him steal it. It froze and moved in the middle of the space between them, opposing forces begging for it. The lightsaber exploded in light. Ben was flown away from Rey, rolling onto the floor. She screamed "NO!" Rey was thrown against the wall, her eyes blurring from the jarring impact. Ben was lying unconscious on the ground. Rey left him. She had to get back to the resistance.

To be continued.....

AN: If you saw The Last Jedi then this fanfic isn't exactly going to go the way the movie really went.

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