Chapter 13

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Kylo woke to the room slowly collapsing in fiery embers. His heart pivoted when he noticed that Rey was nowhere in sight. He stood up on his feet and ran to the main room on the ship. "FH-218 get the commander squad. A girl has left, track any ships that left without permission" Kylo ordered. The stormtrooper marched away and Kylo was left to feel angry and betrayed. She left me! How dare she! "Sir the girl didn't steal any ship. In fact a ship just left--" Kylo held up his hand and the stormtrooper was slammed against a control table. "She is not allowed to leave!" he raged. With a flick of his hand, his army stormed off to capture Rey. He watched as his fleet went after her and noticed that she was in the Falcon. He stared at the Falcon with such rage he could light it on fire. He searched for Rey in the stars, concentrating on the Force Bond they have developed. His heart began to beat, so much that he could feel it all throughout his body. A moment later he felt another heart, he jumped back. He saw Rey in front of him, staring at him coldly. "Tell me that this whole time your feelings for me have been nothing but a lie!" Kylo's jaw dropped open. What in the world was she saying?  I killed Snoke if I didn't care about her she would of been dead. "I can't because it hasn't been!" He felt her heart jump, she gave him a curious look. "I heard what Snoke said don't lie!" she snapped. Clear rage consumed Rey's eyes and it was very familiar. He remembered the time she said he was a monster and her eyes looked exactly like that day. For some reason, it turned him on. "I had to say that in order for him to not suspect anything! My God Rey you can't let me get a word in!" Rey blinked, maybe realizing she was wrong all along. And foolish. The men and women all around Kylo looked at the spectacle with blanched expressions, their eyes felt like needles on his skin. He rushed to his room and stripped off some of his clothes, suddenly feeling very hot. He left his high waisted pants on, sweat glistening down his bare stomach. Rey looked entranced at the sight. He felt a prickle of lust and pushed it aside quickly. Rey's breath hitched "Ben is that necessary?" Her voice came out thin with nerves. He ignored her question. "Come back Rey" he said. Her eyes trailed onto his bare stomach, her breath quickening. It took her a minute to respond, Ben waited patiently. "No I can't. I don't want to be part of the First Order." "That is not what I meant, we will bring a new order to the galaxy. Whatever you want Rey I will make it happen" Ben's tone was beseeching. Her eyes glittered, imagining what they could possibly do together. "We should join the resistance..." she stopped, her eyes on his clenched his fists. "Or we peacefully resign and the resistance will no longer have to fight..." Ben nodded, slowly digesting this "I like that." Rey smiled and all the anger and want of control vanished. He felt like his true self around her. Without Rey, he was Kylo Ren. "But I am leaving your decisions to yourself." she cut off their Bond and it felt like a cut to his heart. "NO!!!" he bellowed. "COME BACCKK." He punched his bed until his fists ran with blood. Someone knocked and he shouted, "GO AWAY!!!" "Sir the Falcon is heading to Jakku." Kylo squinted his eyes in confusion "Jakku? That garbage planet where she grew up?!" Kylo noticed he was talking to himself when there was no response. He decided it was best to arrive on Jakku at night.


Rey stood over her old bed, Chewie mumbled something behind her. "This is my old home Chewie, I wanted to come back to be alone." He roared "This place is garbage." Rey grinned "Yes it is." Chewie exited the ship muttering things around; smelly, gross, dry. "Chewie!" Rey called. His fury figure came in "What what?" "Protect the Falcon, we're staying here for tonight." He nodded and left Rey to cry on the dry desert floor.

Whenever Rey tried to sleep she was consumed with visions of Ben in his mask. He was attempting to kill her. It made her wake up, screaming into the scary silence. For a second she thought she saw his figure hovering over her but ignored it. I'm going crazy! Rey felt a finger stroke her cheek and knew that it wasn't a dream anymore. She punched the intruder and toppled over them, her legs against their waist. "Rey!!!" they gasped. She turned her lamp on, wanting to see his face. Her heart sped up. Ben. "Ben?!" "Yes it's me what the hell was that for?!" "What was that for? You could of at least knocked!" He chuckled, his body shaking in the slightest beneath her body. She shifted her weight closer to him, a hand sliding onto her arm. "I made my decision. I don't want to be part of the First Order. I want you." Rey's breath hitched "You want me?" His free hand cupped her cheek. She felt delicate tears fall from her eyes, something rare on Jakuu. Ben nodded, his raven hair brushing against her forehead. She giggled "That tickles." "What does?" "Your hair." He chuckled softly, his hands tracing along her jawbone and down her neck. "Ben why can't you just leave the First Order? The dark side. Everything?" He stayed quite for a moment, pondering. His face was away from hers, she took his face in her hands to look at him. "It's not that simple" he managed. "It can be! If we just go far far away from everything--" "Oh Rey you think I haven't thought of that? I want a island just for the two of us where no one could ever find us! But the First Order needs to be destroyed first." Rey went over the words in her head, her heart filling with a comforting warmth. She smiled "I know. With the help of the Resistance we can take down the First Order!" her voice was insistent. Ben nodded, his body shifting closer onto her. Rey took his hair between her fingers, kissing his cheeks. Ben's eyes traced her movements with adoration. The way Ben looked at Rey was nothing compared to how the stars looked. Ben was beautiful. She was his. They were each other. His lips met hers and she felt like a nova explosion.


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