Chapter 19

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Ben's head rolled to the side on rough concrete, his head pounding. He was tied up in rope, alone in an unsettling dark closet. There was a deep chill in the room and it seeped through the thick material of his clothes. Ben reached for his lightsaber as his first instinct with his tied hands. When he didn't feel its weight on his belt he gave up, his nostrils flaring in a peevish annoyance.
 The last thing he remembered was holding an unconscious Rey in his arms. And then being hit in the head by something that sent a lightning sharp pain through his forehead and darkness to welcome him. Hux had taken control over the Falcon and had somehow gotten into the ship. He was diabolical and needed to be stopped.

His thoughts were panicked, consuming him in the still closet; where is Rey? Is she okay?  Where are we? He knew with a burning logic that if she died he would have felt it, like someone cutting into his heart and tearing it to shreds.

 He huffed, trying to get up. After a few minutes of struggling, he finally was sitting up straight and leaning against the wall of the closet. Sweat poured down his back despite the freezing temperature.

He pounded his feet on what he guessed was the door shouting; "LET ME OUT!" He kept kicking, his breathing becoming heavy. A minute through his persistent kicking he felt the door jerk. Just a bit. But maybe enough so he could get the hell out of the deathly cold closet. With all the energy he could muster he kicked again.


When Hux held out his hand she swiftly took it. His hand was very cold. What happened next was too quick for Rey to react. Even with her flourishing Jedi reflexes. He took her arm and shoved her against him, holding her in a chokehold. She growled, "Let me go Hux!" "Never!" he shouted, tightening his hold. Her lungs begged for air. She wheezed and tears began falling down her cheeks. She couldn't let him do this to her. 

Rey kicked out at him and her foot met his knee. Her foot vibrated as he shot back, yelping in despair. Finally released, her lightsaber that was held tightly in her hand ignited. She whirled it and she felt no mercy anymore. Rey was done giving him a chance. If he didn't want to form an alliance he could go to hell and back. He spoke into something and Rey guessed it was for backup.  

She shot forward "ARGHH!" Hux wobbled back, trying to get away from her. He ran into the wall, looking petrified. He knew he was trapped. She took in his fear with an overwhelming sense of gratification. Swallowing it down and allowing the anger to consume her she charged. 

The lightsaber went right through his heart. If he had one. 

"I-I'm sorry" he chocked out. His complexion was as pale as death and strained in a ghastly expression "I forgive you" Rey said, sounding strangled. Hux almost smiled as tears fell one by one. The anger that always engulfed him had now left his body and replaced with a wretched sadness. "I know you don't but--" he struggled to form the next word. "--it's okay" he cried, falling over.  She didn't want to hear that voice again. Filled with such raw pain and anguish that racked her insides. 

When his body made impact to the ground the impact made Rey flinch. She felt wetness on her cheeks and she shook in revulsion. Their were hot tears rolling from her eyes and she wiped them away fast, ashamed to of let them fall. She shouldn't be crying over someone that deserved to die. But yet she couldn't help but slightly feel remorse picking away the anger in her system. Rey felt bad for him because she thought of that being Ben and knew she would have never slain him so viciously. She would have let him live. 

Rey was a compassionate and forgiving person so she said her prayers for Hux before leaving, closing his eyes too. Her only drive right now was to find Ben and if that meant fighting off Stormtroopers then that's exactly what she'll do. 

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