Chapter 1

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11 years later

Sakura's POV

Its been 11 years since everything happened. I'm glad Sarada isn't too upset that Sasuke wasn't around for much of her childhood. But I think that's just because she understands him. He is her father after all.

"Ok Sarada here's your lunch and bag. Take care ok! Can't wait for your graduation in a couple of weeks!" I said with happiness laced in my voice.

She's growing up so fast. I hope Sasuke can make it to her graduation day. He has come every year, but they were all on her birthday's. She's turning 12 in 2 weeks hopefully he stays longer to see her graduate.

"Ok mom." she was about to go out the door when she stopped and turned around. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask if dad and big brother are coming to my graduation" She said.

"I'm not sure honey. They might. You know how busy they always are." I said sadly. I really do miss them.

"Ok... Hey mom can I ask you something?"

"Umm yeah sure what is it sweatheart?"

"... Does dad love us?" my eyes widened. I never thought she would ask that. Here I thought she understood his father's actions better than myself. I smiled at her.

"Of course he does Sarada. If he didn't love us then why would he visit you on your birthday, and even bring you a gift every time? If he didn't care then he wouldn't even bother coming to the village." she smiled.

"I guess your right. Sorry mom, bye love you!" the moment she left I frowned.

Why can't they just stay in the village for once! They have been away from their home long enough! Almost all his life was spent out his village and now Hikari is too! What are they even doing?!

Sasuke's POV

"Ok Hikari that's it for today." he was panting hard so he had to stop now or he could collapse any minute.

"No dad... I can... keep going... Really... This is... Nothing" he said within breaths.

"I know you want to become stronger Hikari, but if you keep going like this you will die." I warned him.

He finally cought his breath. "No I won't die. Not until I'm as strong as you."

"Listen Hikari you still have plently of time. Besides you shouldn't try to compare yourself to me. Be your own person, have your own goals, do your own thing. Now get packed we have to get going."

He was hesitant but did as told. We have been on the road for almost 1 whole year now, and we have to go back. I brought Hikari with me since he doesnt really get along with Sakura that much. He's 14 now and Sarada will turn 12 really soon. He awoke his sharingan at age 10 while Sarada just recently awoke hers. Atleast that's what I heard from Sakura.

"Do we really have to go back for almost a whole month?" he asked.

"Yes it's going to be your sisters birthday soon, but we will have to stay a bit longer as well since her graduation is coming up as well." he groaned.

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