Chapter 29

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Sakura's POV

I was looking over the list of patients when I heard my name being called by Kasumi.

"Yes?" I asked not looking up from the clipboard.

"Miyuki just woke up." Said Kasumi out of breath.

I stiffened and let the clipboard fall out my hands.

"She woke up just now. I can't believe it either." she said wiping tears off her pink cheeks.

I left immediately.

My urge to see her all of a sudden stopped when I was in front of her door. I just didn't have enough courage to open it at the time.

What will she say?

Is Sasuke in there with her?

Is it alright for me to go in?

Does she even want to see me?

Taking in a big breath I opened the door. What I saw made my heart ache.

They let go of each other as soon as they sensed someone else in the room.

When I came in they were sharing an innocent kiss. It was innocent when I came in, but that could have led to something else.

"Sorry, I'll come by later." I said turning around holding back the tears threatening to fall.

"No wait." Miyuki said stopping me.

I turned my head looking at her.

"What?" I asked harsher than I meant it to sound.

I saw the glare that Sasuke was giving me, but his eyes softened once Miyuki's hand held his.

"I want to speak with you."

Slowly I closed the door and walked to the other side of the bed.

"What is it?" I asked a little nicer this time.

"Thank you." Out of all things she could have said she said that.

I was indeed shocked.

Those were the two words I never thought she would say directed towards me.

The tears I tried so hard to hold back came falling down. It wasn't because she and Sasuke kissed, but because I was happy that she didn't hate me.

"Why are you thanking me?" she smiled and grabbed my hand.

"You saved my life and for that I'm very thankful... Sasuke?" she said looking back at Sasuke waiting for him to say something.

He sighed.

"Thank you for not putting your feelings in the way of saving Miyuki's life, and if you want to keep living in the compound than that's fine with me. Sarada will most likely stay with you since out of everyone you're the closest to her." I smiled bitterly.

"I doubt it. She hates me for lying to her."

"We've lied to her as well." said Miyuki.

I stayed quiet.

"We're going to explain everything to her once we see her. When will Miyuki be discharged?" asked Sasuke.

"She can leave in two days if she's feeling good enough..." I hesitated on my following sentence. "... I'll move."

Miyuki let go of my hands and stared at me.

"What? No Sakura." I shook my head.

"It was always your house not mine."

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