Chapter 18

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Third POV

The six Uchihas spent their day playing board games. Surprisingly Sasuke agreed on playing.

It was no surprise to anyone except Sarada really. Since she barley ever spent time with her father she had always thought he wasn't the type to like playing silly kid games, and preferred to do missions or help his dad with clan stuff.

Even thought she still found Miyuki to be suspicious for some reason she wanted to be near her. To hear her voice and feel her embrace.

She didn't know what there was about Miyuki that made her feel the way she does.

When it came to watching a movie Obito and Shisui thought it was getting late and they decided to go to sleep while the other four sat on the couch and watched it.

Hikari sat on the right then Miyuki, Sasuke and finally Sarada. All of them were covered with a big blanket.

They were watching a comedy movie. It was the most appropriate for the kids. Well it was the only movie Sarada agreed on watching...

Miyuki had just finished taking her medicine. Making her fall asleep little by little. As she miserably failed on staying awake she fell asleep on Sasuke's shoulder.

He couldn't help but smile. Making sure that no one saw it. Especially not Sarada.


As the day came the first one to wake up was Hikari because of the small chill from not having any blanket to warm him up.

Annoyed he opened his eyes to shut them once again because of the bright sunlight. Trying again he opened them slowly rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Spotting the blanket he reached for it but came to a compete stop when he saw his parents cuddled together.

His eyes grew wide. Not long after a smile appeared.

He got up as quiet as he could to fetch a camera. It didn't take him long since everything in the house was organized.

Getting in front to get a good angle he took the picture making sure the flash and noise was off.

When he analyzed the picture to make sure it was perfect he went to the nearest computer and copied it.

Making sure he made more than one copy and saved it on the computer just in case.

Hearing noises indicating someone was waking up. He hid all the evidence to the best of his capability.

Once that was done he ran quickly and quietly to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

With the glass of water as an excuse to be awake and out of the couch he casually walked to the living room.

"Good morning." He said taking a sip of his water.

"Good morning big brother." Sarada said rubbing her eyes.

When she saw her dad cuddling with a woman she just met yesterday her eyes grew wide, but in horror.

"D-dad!" She yelled getting of the couch and close to her brother who almost dropped the glass of water since she startled him.

Geez is it necessary to scream.

Thought Hikari.

Both adults also startled by Sarada's screams so early in the morning they got up throwing the blanket on the floor.

After they realized there was no danger they relaxed.

"What's the matter Sarada?" Sasuke asked a little annoyed because he was woken up by yelling.

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