Chapter 10

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Hikari's POV

We were waiting for Sarada to come out. There's no doubt she became a genin. Sakura trained her and there were times when me and dad trained her too, but that would only be with weapons.

She's improved in her kunai throwing that's for sure. I don't know about her jutsu skills though. I don't even know her chakra natures.

Well when we arrived at the village on her birthday's we would train her for a couple of hours then leave, but we didn't really teach her anything useful.

Now that I think about it I'm a horrible big brother.

I decided to graduate early so I didn't have to worry about the academy. The Hokage let me since I already knew the shadow clone jutsu perfectly. I also had the best grades in my class so there wasn't anything they could teach me that I didn't already knew.

"When is she coming out." I asked boredly with my eyes closed leaning on a tree hands behind my head.

"Here I thought I'd be the impatient one." hearing that voice made me open my eyes instantly.

There stood the only person I didn't want seeing here.

"What are you doing here I thought I made it clear th-" I began but was interrupted by him nearing me and leaning in my ear.

"Your mom is the reason I'm here." he whispered. My eyes widened, and I looked at my dad. He just nodded.

"So when is my daughter coming out." said a very cheerful voice that belonged to my mom.

Hopefully she knows we can't answer her. I mean we'll look like crazy people talking to thin air.

"Of course I know that Hikari that's why I linked the three of your minds. So now all you think everyone else can hear. Well just the three of you including myself. Unless I don't want someone to hear it I can just unlink them from the conversation." she explained.

"Here she comes." said Fug- grandfather interrupting our conversation.

Just like I expected. She got her headband. That's my little sister.

My mom chuckled.

Naruto's POV

All the graduates were coming out. Boruto came out around the same time Sarada did. Except he had a glum look on his face.

Not the face I was expecting...

"So how'd it go?" asked Himawari. He kept walking but stopped once he was about 5 feet away from us.

"I... I... I got it!" he screamed holding out the headband in both hands with that idiotic grin that he probably got from me.

All of us ran to him even Hinata and gave him a huge hug.

"I knew you could do it Bolt." I said patting his back. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly the grin still plastered on his face.

"Naruto we have to talk to you." a voice interrupted our family moment. Turning around I saw Sasuke and his Father Fugaku.

Great this must be serious If they didn't just tell me here and now.

I sighed.

"Ok we'll talk tonight in my office." they nodded and went with their family.

I smiled.

For the first time in years I actually sense happiness again in that family, and a lot of it.

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