Chapter 27

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Third POV

"Its over." Announced the Kazekage.

"We need to get everyone to the hospital to get checked." Said the Tsuchikage.

"We have to get my sister to a hospital. I can't heal her wounds. She lost to much blood already." Shisui said trying to keep himself calm.

Sasuke opened the portal still carrying Miyuki in his arms. He had faith that she could still be saved.

He ignored all the questions being asked to him by everyone. He had one goal and that was to get Miyuki to the hospital on time.

Naruto's POV

"You'll get a chance to speak to him Sarada. Just let him be for now." I patted her head and gave her a warm smile.

"Naruto's right Sarada. Your father has gone through a lot in his childhood. Miyuki was the only one that kept him in the light. Saving her is the only thing that he's thinking about right now." Shisui said giving her the same kind smile.

Sarada looked down.

"But... I just want to know why..?" I raised a brow.

"Why what?" I asked her.

"Why she was never here..." I smiled even bigger.

"That's something that you should ask him. Me and Shisui can't answer that for you." I said closing my eyes and following Boruto to where he said Hinata was.

There's so much I'm thankful to her for. Hinata was one if the only people that believed in me from the start.

Shisui's POV

I followed the way Sasuke went to the hospital.

I also made sure to send a message to Obito about the mission.

"Shisui!" I heard a familiar voice call my name.

Looking behind me I saw Kasumi with a clip board.

"What happened to you?!" I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly.

"You haven't heard huh?" She must have been busy at the hospital to know what happened at the chunin exams.

She told me she was going to be working at the hospital while me and Obito took care of the chunin exams.

Many of the medical ninjas haven't been informed about the incident either.

"No what happened? There's more patients than I thought would be here. One moment it was calm then the other like 100 people came in injured. I knew something was going on, but I didn't have the chance to ask and now you!"

I wasn't that injured just a few scratches. Maybe its the amount of blood and torn clothes that worried her about me more than she should.

"I'm fine honey. Don't worry its just a few scratches, but I need to know how my sister is doing." She was confused.

"I didn't see your sister. I'll check for you though. Can you tell me what happened?" I sighed.

"Yes. The people that kidnapped her all those years ago came back and set a trap. They manipulated Miyuki with this weird potion that a certain someone put in her drink. Then she was used against us and now we're back from defeating them. Only she sacrificed herself to save Sasuke." She didn't say anything. She just embraced me. Its all I could ask for at this moment.

I just need her to be here with me.

"I'm sorry... Here I'll ask for her room number er right away?" She caressed my cheek giving me a sweet smile and left to check Miyuki's room number.

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