Chapter 3

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Day before Sarada's birthday.

Sarada's POV

Tomorrow is going to be my birthday and Chocho wants to make a party. I told her no since I know if we make a party dad won't wanna come. Its not that he doesn't like anyone he just doesn't socialize much with people. I asked him why and he said that he gets annoyed easily. Well I don't care what happens tomorrow at least I'll be able to spend time with him and my brother.

I smiled.

Once we were dismissed from class I ran to a shop. I know its my birthday we're celebrating but I missed like 12 years of their birthday's so I decided to buy them something. I looked and looked but nothing really caught my eye.

That was until I saw a necklace with the Uchiha symbol on it. I immediately grabbed 2 and paid the shop tender. Walking out the shop I heard someone call me.

"Sarada! Is that you!" said a familiar voice. I looked up from the 2 necklaces to see that it was Chocho.

"Hey Chocho what are you doing here?" I asked confused as to what she was doing in the a compound.

Yeah we have shops in out compound. It's really convenient actually.

"Well I was screaming your name back at the academy but it seemed like you didn't hear me since you were to busy in your own little world." she looked kind of angry at me.

"Sorry Chocho but I wanted to buy something for my father and brother." I told her.

"Oh so you buying a present for those two hotties huh?" I made a look of disgust.

"Ewww! Chocho! You're talking about my father and brother! Don't say thing's like that in front of me ever again alright!" I yelled at her.

Why do you always have to hit on someone that is related to me anyway.

"I'm sorry Sarada but your family is full of hotties. I mean even your grandfather looks good and he's old!" once she finished her sentence I felt like throwing up. "H-hey Sarada are you alright!"

"Everything is moving hehe."

"Get a hold of yourself!" I felt a burning sensation on my left cheek then another on my right. This kept going until my vision went back to normal.

"Cut it out Chocho it hurts!" I yelled at her. My face felt numb.

"Hey I was just making sure you were still alive." she said holding her hands out in defense. I sighed.

"You're an idiot you know that." I knew she didn't hear me. She was eating a bag of chips she had in the bag she was carrying with her.

"Well what are you going to buy them?" she returned her attention back to me.

"I already bought these necklaces, but I think I'll keep searching to see if I find something else that they might like. These necklaces should do for backup though." I told her.

"Alright well I gotta go buy more chips I'm running out see ya later Sarada." she said waving at me already out the shop.

"She already finished with the bag. She just opened it not even 2 minutes ago." I said face palming.

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