Chapter 23

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Miyuki's POV

The Chunin exams are beginning tomorrow and I was currently coming home after one last test with Shikamaru and Ino.

It wasn't dark out since it was around 5 in the afternoon. The children were playing outside with other kids.

I smiled as I walk by them. They returned the smile making mine widen.

As I looked back to the way I was headed I saw Sakura with a much brighter aroma around her.

I was confused as to why she was so happy but I still kept walking hoping to not get into trouble with her.

Pretending I didn't see her I was almost past her when she grabbed my arm making me halt.

"Miyuki! I've been waiting to talk to you." My gaze fell on her with a dumbfound expression.

"Uh.. yes?" I asked getting my arm out of her reach as politely as possible.

"Oh sorry about that! Anyway. Come have dinner with me. I've been meaning to talk to you." She was acting too kind and that wasn't good.

Well it is good but not in the situation I am now.

Sakura being nice to me is odd.

"Can you tell me now?" I asked.

Her smile started twitching.

"No. Its going to be a long talk so I want you to be comfortable." She said almost through gritting teeth. It wasn't that noticeable but I caught it.

"Sorry Sakura but I have things to do." I tried waking past her but she blocked my way. I sighed. "Please move."

"This is important Miyuki." I closed my eyes obviously irritated but agreed to her invitation.


"So what is it you need to talk to me about?" I asked as we sat down at an empty booth.

"Aren't you going to order anything?" I shook my head no. "Come on maybe just water? How about this you stay here and I'll order our food deal?" She asked already half way to the cashier.

I sighed irritably.

What could she want? This is so weird even for her.

She's obviously up to no good. Could she be the one I've been feeling watching my every move? Was I wrong about her? Could she really go that far as to murdering me?

Right about now I believe she's capable of anything.

About a couple more minutes later she arrived with a waitress.

They had two drinks and two meals.

As Sakura sat down the waitress put down everything Sakura ordered.

When the waitress left I started talking.

"I honestly don't feel hungry right now Sakura and I told you I'm busy." She rolled her eyes with a smile plastered on her face.

"Come on Miyuki you're not on a diet are you?" This time I rolled my eyes but without the amused expression.

"Of course not. I just don't have much of an appetite right now so just tell me what you want and I'll repay you for what you spent on me today so I can finally leave." It came out ruder than I wanted it to but she's acting really strange and I don't like it.

"Just eat a little ok and I'll hurry up with my story deal?"

"Fine." I ate some of the food and drank some of the water she got me.

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