Chapter 7

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Hikari's POV

She stopped her pretend crying and answered that she doesn't know.

"How don't you know?"

Don't get me wrong I'm happy she's still here, but I wanted to know how.

"Look Hikari I'm trying to solve the puzzle too ok. First let me tell you the real story about what happened when I supposingly 'died'." I nodded. "Ok so for starters I'm not actually dead." My eyes grew wide.

"If your not actually dead, then why does everyone think you are?" I asked skeptical about her response.

"I don't know where they got that from either. I think the people that took me put then in a strong genjutsu so they wouldn't come after me later on." she explained.

"Well that make's sense I guess..." we sat down under some trees that were nearby so we could relax a little.

"Ok, back to my story. In order to tell this story there is something you must know, and I don't know how you'll take it." I've never seen her look so serious before. It was a little frightening.

"Know what?" I asked afraid of her answer.

"You know maybe I shouldn't be the one to tell you this." she seemed sad, but why?

"Tell me. Please. I promise I  won't get upset and I won't tell anyone."

"You promise?" I nodded with a small smile.

"I do. Whatever it is I'll keep it to myself." I reassured her.

"I don't know if its something I should be telling you though."

"Please." I pleaded her. She released a small sigh.

"Ok then well... I'm your... I'm your real mother." she looked at me worried of what I might think about this. I was a little too shocked to notice. I mean it's not everyday when someone tells you they're your real mother.

I don't know if I should be angry or happy.

This explains how I've been feeling when I'm around her. That motherly vibe she gives. Never have I felt like that towards my mo- Sakura. Maybe I don't see her as a mother but as an aunt or maybe even an older Sister.

Who would have thought that the legendary Miyuki would be my mother.

Without knowing I was smiling. I ran over to my mother and hugged her.

"You're my mother?" I whispered. She nodded crying and so was I.

"Yes Hikari, I'm your mother." her voice held nothing but happiness. In a couple of minutes we pulled away, but her arm was still around me and so was mine. Not long after a question came to mind. "What about Sarada?"

"She's also my child." I smiled. That's a relief, but in all honestly it wouldn't change a thing.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked.

"Because I didn't know how you'd react. I haven't seen you since you were two. How do you expect me to automatically know all about you? You could have ran off to the whole world and tell them why they never told you I was your mother." I sighed.

"Guess you're right, but why did you leave? I heard you were one of the strongest shinobi the leaf has ever had. You could have easily escaped." The happiness I had not too long ago turned into sadness.

"Well I had just given birth to Sarada not to long ago when they kidnapped me, and either way I didn't really have a choice. It was either me or my family. They wanted the power I have... Now that I think about it, maybe that's why I'm still here. They could have finally gotten what they wanted and let me go, but I doubt it's that easy."

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