Chapter 16

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Third POV

As the space between both Momoshiki and Miyuki decreased the two teams approached closer and closer.

Miyuki had her eyes sealed shut. She didn't want to see Momoshiki as close as he was as long as it wasn't her stabbing him or torturing him in some kind of way. It might seem cruel, but many would want to do the same if they were in her position.

Only a centimeter apart when a sword came in between the two married couple. Well actually not officially since in this dimension one is actually officially married when they kiss.

"Stay the hell away from her." Said Sasuke already running towards Momoshiki who just smirked.

"Can't you see we're a little busy. I'm about to get married here." He said making Sasuke angrier.

Sakura couldn't help but feel even more jealous then she was when she found out this mission was about rescuing Miyuki. Nevertheless she helped her friends by punching a couple guards unconscious.

"Miyuki here!" Yelled Naruto throwing her a sword that Tenten made specially for her.

"Thank you." She said ripping her wedding dress revealing her ninja outfit.

Momoshiki scowled not knowing you were ready for all of this to happen.

Little did he know you were as surprised as he was, but didn't say a thing. At least for now.

Everyone who was in the room was battling someone.

Naruto and Sasuke took Momoshiki while Miyuki and Shisui took Kinshiki. The rest had their own little group to take care of. Some had greater groups than others.

"Be carefully guys. Only taijutsu works on them." Miyuki informed them.

"Damn." Said Naruto.

Sasuke just smirked. He was great at both, and almost always used his sword when fighting so just using taijutsu in this battle wasn't that much of a challenge to him and same goes to the two other Uchihas fighting against Kinshiki.

Miyuki still hasn't gotten her power yet, but she'll find a way to beat him. Somehow...

Shikamaru's POV

Right after Kiba and Sai volunteered to stay behind to hold off some of the guards. We came across some weird doors. I didn't think much of them until I sensed the chakra coming from them.

It was familiar in a way, but at the same time it was different.

I told the teams that I was going to check something out and for them to continue searching for Miyuki.

I've been here for about 5 minutes and all I see is machines and tubes. Something that would belong to Orochimaru, but we're in a different dimension so this can't possibly belong to him.

I walked around. It surprised me how the room was deserted. No one to guard the door. Not even a single trap.

I stopped on my tracks when I saw something in the distance glowing blue with some spots being what I think is silver.

As I walked closer it reminded me of someone, but I didn't know exactly know who.

Then everything came together. The glowing object contained Miyuki's chakra, and a lot of it. If it wasn't for the label saying 'Miyuki Uchihas Chakra' I wouldn't be so sure.

This could still be a trap and I know that, but still I have to take it with me. I just have to figure out how.

Third POV

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