Chapter 11

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Miyuki's POV

Why would Sasuke tell them?

It's been bothering me for quite some time now.

Sasuke never does anything without a reason behind it. It could be because he just wanted to... but he would have asked me if I were ok with it first. Wouldn't he?

If I ask Shisui-nii and the others they are obviously going to come up with a lie.

Damn it! If only I could talk to Naruto. He would for sure tell me if I bribed him with ramen.

Maybe Hikari could help me... No, for all I know he could be in on this as well... Just what the hell is going on?!

"Miyuki your up early." said a sleepy Obito. I sweat dropped.

"Its 4 in the afternoon." I mumbled but he still heard me.

"WHAT?! Really?!" he yelled.

"Yeah look outside if you don't believe me. Why are you so surprised anyway? You've never woken up late before?"I asked.

"No, not really. Rin always wakes me up so I hardly wake up at this time." he yawned.

"I see you haven't changed." he laughed.

"Neither have you Miyuki." he said ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I yelled fixing my hair hearing him chuckle while heading to the kitchen. "So Obito how are you, Rin and Akio doing?"

"Good, Akio is turning out to be a great ninja. He's gone on many S rank and A rank missions lately and hasn't failed a single one." he said proudly.

Obito and Rin had a child who should be 16 by now I believe. They got married right after the war and had Akio a couple months later. Then Kakashi had a kid followed by Shisui then Itachi and finally me.

Obito's kid is the oldest out of all our other friends. He showed great talent the moment he picked up a kunai.

By the age of 4 Obito started training him... I don't really know what happened after that since I wasn't here beyond that time period.

"Hn, He's clearly doing better than you. Seeing how you were always late  and Kakashi always finished the job before you even got a chance to try." he huffed.

"You sure got ruder then the last time I saw you." I giggled.

"I was kidding Obito. You were one of the greatest ninjas ever even with your tardiness. I actually looked up to you a lot since I was a kid. You were amazing at the end of the 3rd great ninja war. I think what you did was really heroic." I told him.

"I'm no hero Miyuki." it came barley above a whisper but I still managed to hear him.

"You have to stop dwelling in the past Obito."

"How can I when I started a war and killed so many innocent people without a second  thought. How can you call me a hero after all that." he said looking straight at me.

"And how can you call them innocent people when they've killed people as well Obito? On their missions they are ordered to do things like assassinations. None of us ninja are innocent. We all have blood on our hands not just you. At least you're admitting that what you did was wrong but some ninjas don't even do that. They think what they did was the right thing to do since their village ordered them to do so. And I want you to understand something, no matter what people say you will always be a hero in my eyes." I said walking up to him to give him a hug which he gladly returned.

"Thank you Miyuki, you don't know how much I needed to hear those words." I smiled.

"Good, now that the Obito I know is back my brother said to meet him at Fugaku's house for some meeting." he nodded and went to clean himself up so he could attend the meeting.

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