Chapter 28

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Third POV

"Its been a whole day. Are there any news at all?" Asked Obito.

"No." Said Sasuke rubbing his face. "No one has come out or in. Just the nurses that had to get extra supplies. No one has told us anything either."

Shisui was sleeping. He had a blanket around him which was brought by his wife Kasumi.

Obito sighed.

"Alright, get some rest. I'll come back later on. I have to take care of some stuff." Sasuke nodded resting his eyes.

He wouldn't have taken the offer if he didn't feel as tired as he did.

Nurses already took care of his injuries. Even though most of them were treated by Shisui there was still some that needed to be treated.

The villagers from the hidden snow village refused to leave until they knew for sure Miyuki will survive.

Even though she isn't their leader she had done so much for them.

She solved their resource problems and political as well.

The death rate decreased rapidly when she came around. They're thankful for that, but that's not the only reason they stay. They also stay because she won their heart's.

Her personality alone is enough for them to stay or stand by her side in everything from a simple mission to a full out war.

Sakura's POV

"Done." I said as I wiped the sweat off my face with a nearby clean towel.

"You did it Lady Sakura!" they cheered.

She's out of danger, but I don't know when she'll wake up.

"Get her to another room where she can rest properly. I still need to take care of other patients." They nodded and started getting to work.

I walked out out the room feeling exhausted.

I stopped in my tracks upon seeing him. My eyes softened. He was asleep.

He must be tired... Probably from staying up for so long.

Shisui was here as well.

Kasumi must have led him here.

I walked up to Shisui knowing he got more sleep than Sasuke.

I shook him a little and he woke up.

"Sakura?" He asked cringing at the brightness of the sun coming through the windows.

"Yeah.." I still felt bad for doing what I did. I almost killed his sister. Maybe not directly, but that doesn't change a thing.

"How's my sister?" he asked sitting up straight.

"She's fine for now. I don't know for sure when she'll wake up, but she's out of danger." He released a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness." I slightly smiled.

I wish I had people that worried about me as much as Shisui does about her sister.

That's the one thing I've always wished for... A sibling. One I could fight and share secrets with.

"You can see her once she's in her new room which will be on the first floor." I said walking down the hallway.

"Sakura." I stopped and looked at him.

By now he was standing up.

"Don't beat yourself up for what you did. You're human, and human make mistakes. I've made a couple myself." my eyes narrowed.

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