Chapter 14

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Naruto's POV

Today is finally the day that we go on this mission. Finally! I've been waiting since the day I found out about Miyuki!

"Be careful, eat properly, stay alert at all times, don't be reckless, you could always come back if its to dangerous ok." My mother said for the hundredth time today since I woke up.

The moment I got up and saw the phone it had... 54 missing calls from mom.

"Yes mom I know I know." She glared at me.

"Ok, so Naruto don't forget about the chunin exams. You still have to prepare for them so don't come too late alright." I silently thanked him for saving me from another speech from mom.

"Yes I still haven't forgotten about the chunin exams in 5 months. So is everyone ready to go!!" I turned around to meet with my team.

I know Sasuke said we would be the back up team but I wouldn't help myself and go along with them.

"Shut up Naruto. Its 4 in the morning. The whole village is still asleep." Shikamaru informed me. I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly.

"Oops I forgot..." I saw Sakura roll her eyes.

"You never change do you Naruto!" She whispered yelled.

"Be careful Naruto." I heard Hinata say behind me.

"Oh Hinata!" I heard groans behind me but I ignored them. "I thought I told her it was fine, and you didn't have to get up this early just to say goodbye!" She smiled at me.

"I still wanted to come. The children were still asleep so I couldn't help but come." I smiled down at her.

"Its alright! Thank you." I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey Naruto its time to go." I nodded at them.

Wow I didn't even notice when Sasuke's team arrived.

Saying my goodbyes to my family I left along with everyone else into the dimension Sasuke opened.

Miyuki's POV

I opened my eyes to find 4 pair of eyes staring at me, and they weren't Obito and my brother's.

"Its time." Momoshiki said. I sighed.

"Alright..." I didn't refuse when they lead me back to their dimension.

Throughout the whole trip I never said anything and kept an emotionless facade.

I couldn't believe my time was up so soon, and I couldn't do the one thing I was sent there to do...

"What's wrong Miyuki? Did you miss this place that much?" He laughed evilly. "Or was it me that you missed?"

I ignored him and started to walk back to where I remembered my cell use to be.

"Were do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Where does it look like?" I didn't bother turning around.

I felt something grab me harshly and slam me to the wall.

"I don't like being ignored." He was angry. Momoshiki is always calm, but I always know just when to piss him off.

"Well I don't like being pushed against the wall." I shot back. He let go of me.

"Did you like my present Miyuki?" He smiled but not those kind smiles but those devious ones.

"What was that really about Momoshiki?" His smile grew.

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