Chapter 5

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(Picture of Miyuki pretend she has black hair and onyx eyes)

Hikari's POV

"Why do you always have to be like that grandpa! You never you?" I yelled angrily. My eyes stung for some reason.

Feeling a little boost of power I ran deeper into the forest.

I ran for what felt like forever. Until I tripped on a branch is when I finally stopped running. The impact for some reason never came though.

I felt warm gentle hands wrapped around me.

"I see you're having family problems huh?" said an unfamiliar yet oddly familiar gentle soothing voice. I looked up to see a young woman with a white dress, onyx eyes and jet black hair that was up in a very complicated design.

She helped me stand up and walked to a rock not to far away from where she recently was. I unconsciously followed.

With the moonlight shining on her face she looked... Beautiful. I mentally slapped myself.

She could be an enemy for all I know and I'm over here thinking she looks beautiful!

"Who are you?" I questioned getting to my senses.

When she didn't answer I got into fighting stance. She just chuckled.

"There's no need for that dear. I'm not an enemy, I promise." she put hand to her chin to make it seem as if she were thinking. "Well that kind of depends on you whether I'm a threat or not doesn't it?" she said putting her hands down on her lap and looked at me.

"What do you want?!" I asked ignoring her question.

"There's no need to scream child. I will leave if that's what you wish." she stood up from the rock she was sitting on and dusted herself off.

"No! I mean umm who are you?"

Why did I just stop her?

She smiled.

"You are wondering why you stopped me didn't you?" my eyes widened.

"H-how did you..." I muttered.

Why am I even shuttering!?

"Don't you worry its one of my jutsus. And to answer your other question. My name is Miyuki Uchiha. I suppose you've heard of me?" my eyes widened even more.

Isn't she suppose to be dead?

My dad talked about her on our way back to the village.

If what he said was true then what the hell is she doing here?

"You're suppose to be dead! What are you doing here!?" her smile never faltered.

"Well I would also like to know that myself. But the only thing that matters right now is that I'm here. So what's troubling you. I have a feeling you're the reason I'm here." she started to sit back down on the rock she was previously at. I wondered.

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