Chapter 22

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Naruto's POV

"We can't have this happen. Shikamaru tell Sakura that she'll have to do a test on Miyuki so she can find a way to extract it without harming her." I instructed.

I looked up from my papers once I noticed he hasn't moved.

"Shikamaru?" I asked.

He folded his arms and walked to the window.

"You know that Sakura doesn't like Miyuki right?" I slowly nodded my head.

"She never has, so what's the problem with that?" I asked looking at his movements.

He sighed.

"I don't think Sakura is the right person for this. Her feelings haven't changed Naruto. I don't know if you have noticed but she's still completely head over heals for Sasuke. Over the years I've learned that love can sometimes be more dangerous than hatred." I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you saying Shikamaru?"

"I'm saying that Sakura could kill Miyuki on purpose." I slammed my hands on my desk.

"Sakura would never do that!"

He closed his eyes in irritation and looked at me.

"Tell me Naruto. Are you willing to kill for your family?"

"Of course!"

"If Miyuki dies and Sasuke goes after your family would you be willing to kill him?" My body tensed and eyes widened.

I've spent most of my life trying to get Sasuke back. Would I be willing to throw that all away for my family?

I see Sasuke as family, but if he turned on a us...

Would I?

"You're hesitating-"

"Yes. Sasuke is like a brother to me, but I'll do anything to protect my family even if that means killing him." My voice wasn't as confident as I wanted it to be.

"Do you think Sakura isn't willing to kill Miyuki to stay with Sasuke and his kids?" I stopped to think. "Her love for Sasuke will drive her to kill Miyuki. Sasuke hated Itachi because he killed what was dear to him. You killed the pains because he destroyed your home. Love is the reason for hate, war, and destruction."

"But Sakura-"

"Sasuke was once a kind child and love turned him into an avenger. Love also brought him back, but he's still not the same like he was before. Love can also changed Sakura if it hasn't already. You might think you know her, but right now she's blinded with that love she has for Sasuke. Don't fool yourself Naruto. Sakura isn't trustworthy."


Miyuki's POV

I've been feeling like someone is stalking me when I walk through the village, and something tells me they aren't good news.

"Aunt Miyuki?" I stopped in my tracks and looked behind me only to find Boruto and his whole team. Including Sarada.

She didn't look to happy to see me either. Unlike the rest of her team.

I know I'm her mother and I can't let her treat me like this, but she doesn't know that and it would lead to more conflict with not only her family, but Sakura as well.

"Good morning Boruto, Mitsuki, Konohamaru, Sarada. What have you 4 been up to?" I asked forcing a smile.

"We just finished catching a cat for this one old lady. She really needs to take care of them more I'm sick of going on some cat chase. I want a real mission where there action, kunai's and jutsu's!" I wholeheartedly giggled at this.

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