Chapter 9

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Hikari's POV

Right now we were on our way to our house. It wasn't far really just about a 5 minute walk. No one was outside around this time. So everything was quiet until I decided to ask dad a question.

"Hey dad?"


"Did mom tell you about... the people that took her?" he looked at me and nodded. "What did she say?"

"All she said was there's a chance they might come back, and if they decide to use her that I should..." his voice trailed off. "Kill her." the moment those words came out his mouth my feet were glued to the ground. Clenching my fists I asked him.

"Are you going to?" I growled. He didn't answer, he just kept walking ignoring me. "Answer me! Are you going to kill mom!"

"Calm down. I'm not going to kill her, but I can't promise you no one else will." I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"And you're going to let them do that! Co-" he cut me off by disappearing and reappearing behind me. Next think I knew I was in a different place. "W-where are we?" the question came out more as a whisper.

"We're in a place not to far from the village. Now you can yell as much as you want." his emotionless voice always ticked me off, now more than ever.

"I'll protect mom, even if I have to do it by myself." I was about to walk away when he spoke.

"Who said I wouldn't protect her." I turned around to look at him as he spoke.

Is he serious?

"I said there may be others that might try to kill Miyuki. I never said I'd just stand around to watch. You should've let me finish." he said annoyed. I smiled sheepishly the anger I had disappearing in an instant.

"Hehe... Sorry?"

"You know... You're a lot like her." I stared at him dumbfounded.

"Really...? how?"

"Well the both of you always have that sheepish smile when you do something that embarrasses you, and you mostly show your emotions with the people you care for. In the village you always have that serious, annoyed face on you, but when Miyuki or Sarada are around, you always seem to wear a smile." I smiled at the thought that me and mom are so similar.

She's so kind and gentle. Not to forget beautiful and funny. No wonder dad fell in love with her. I mean who wouldn't.

"Hey dad? Did mom have any admirers?" I asked. He scowled.

"Yes. A little to many if you ask me." I chuckled.

Instead of using dad's power to bring us home we decided to walk.

"How did you ask her out dad?" I loved hearing about what happened in their past.

"Picnic." that's how he would answer my questions. Without any details. I sighed.

Might as well ask mom. She'd tell me everything I need to know.

"Finally we're here." I turned the nob and went inside.

"Finally the food was getting cold!" said Sakura.

"Where were you guys I thought I told you the food was ready like half an hour ago!" Sarada scolded us.

"Well that's all dad's fault." I said pointing to my dad that was right behind me.

After our little argument was finished we sat at the dinning table eating what Sakura had made.

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