Chapter 17

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Third POV

Hikari woke up and found his dad sleeping on his usual bed. He grinned knowing exactly what that meant.

Lot long after Miyuki apologized she forced him to get his wounds healed. He didn't mind. His wounds weren't as serious as hers and it wasn't life threatening at the moment.

Hikari got up and didn't bother to say good morning to anyone as he opened the door not even closing it or putting on his shoes. All he cared for at the moment was to see his mom in person. He wanted to talk to the real thing.

This didn't go unnoticed by the two girls at the kitchen.

Sakura couldn't help but glare at the food in front of her. She tried seeing Miyuki as a friend but she just couldn't.

Sarada stared at her mother in worry. She didn't notice her glaring at the food but at the lack of attention.

Sakura would always say something when Hikari wouldn't say good morning, brush his teeth, say where he was going. Yet today she did nothing.

"Mom are you ok?" She asked getting up from her seat. Sakura shook her head trying to get the thoughts that crossed her mind away.

"Yeah sweety don't worry I'm just a little tired from the mission is all. Here is your breakfast I'll go get your father." Sarada still remained concerned but nodded anyways.

When Sakura opened the door to Hikari and Sasuke's room she saw Sasuke putting on his shirt. Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks flushed. She will never get use to it no matter how many times she sees him without a shirt.

"What do you want?" He asked facing the blushing kunoichi. He didn't mean for his voice to sound so cold, but he couldn't help it.

"B-breakfast is ready." She said staring at the same spot she was when she came in which now is his chest instead of his bare back.

Sasuke said nothing and started walking towards her. She became flustered noticing him approaching.

Her mind were filled with numerous thoughts, but none of them came true...

"Excuse me Sakura." He said looking at the pinkett with his emotionless onyx eyes.

"Y-yes?" She squeaked. Sasuke raised an eye brow In confusion but Instead of asking her what was wrong he asked her if she could move.

Finally getting out of her fantasy world she moved out of his way and walked side by side with him to the dinning room a little embarrassed that she was practically drooling because of him just a few seconds ago.

"Where is Hikari?" He asks sitting down on his usual chair.

Sakura's mood changed from embarrassed to annoyed.

"He went with Shisui." She said picking her words carefully. Not for Miyuki but for herself. She already lost Hikari and she wasn't going to lose Sarada.

Sasuke stopped what he was doing and stared at the door that led to the outside.

If he said he didn't want to go as well he would be lying. All he wanted to do was be with her.

"You want to go don't you?" Sakura asked already knowing the answer.

"I wanna go too. Maybe he can teach me some things for the upcoming chunin exams." Sarada said interested in the conversation.

Sasuke was glad she said something if not he wouldn't have an excuse to go.

"We'll go after breakfast. You want to go as well Sakura?" He asked trying to be nice to Sakura for once.

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