Chapter 26

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Third POV

"Its dangerous Sarada! You can't go!" Yelled Sakura tears running down her face.

Sarada stood firm.

"I need answers, and all you do is feed me lies." She said in a cold tone.

Sakura opened her mouth to say something only to close it again.

"Come on Sarada dad can't keep the portal open forever." Hikari said walking towards it without taking a single glance at Sakura.

He knew Sakura would be just fine. She isn't alone after all.

"Son, you know what will happen if this rescue mission doesn't succeed right?" Sasuke nodded.

"It will mean war. I know, Shisui told me about it." Fugaku patted him on the back.

"Bring my daughter in law back." Sasuke smiled.

"Yes sir."

"I'll be going back to the compound to calm everyone down. I don't want history repeating itself again." He said sighing.

Sasuke knew what he meant. The Uchiha massacre.

Sasuke's POV

I looked at Sarada as she walked closer to the portal.

I shouldn't be letting her go but she has a right to know. We don't know what will happen. Someone could die and that someone could be Miyuki.

This could be her last chance talking to her. I don't want to rip that away from her.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She turned her head and hesitantly nodded.

"Yeah.." I nodded towards the portal for her to go.

When she was gone I looked towards Sakura. She was being comforted by Hinata.

Mitsuki the only member not going stood there as well.

He didn't want to go and no one forced him to so he stayed.

There's nothing he could do anyway it was just to ask.

"I'll talk to you when I come back Sakura." I said glaring daggers at her.

She looked away and released more tears.

I didn't feel bad at all. She shouldn't have done what she did. Out of everyone she has been one of the luckiest.

Growing up with loving parents and without a care in the world.

She had a childhood while many of us didn't. She could enjoy her days as a child while all of us were training to become stronger to survive.

That's how we lived. Danger, loneliness, no family... She didn't have to go through that. Not until the fourth great ninja war she didn't.

And I hate her for that. She has everything all of us wanted. If we could we would have thrown away power to have a family.

Miyuki returned that to us. She sacrificed everything so we could enjoy our lives as much as possible.

Now its our turn to repay her.

Third POV

"What?!" Yelled Momoshiki as Naruto was freed.

Sasuke caught him in time, set him down and left him alone with Boruto.

He had kids of his own to take care of right now.

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