Chapter 21

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Miyuki's POV

As I teleported to an isolated area far away from the village I started doing jutsu's left right up and down.

I felt so alive.

"Finally." I said trying to catch my breath as I looked down at my hands with a smile on my face.

But that smile disappeared when I noticed the damage I've caused and replaced with me sweat dropping.

"I think I took it just a tad bit to far..." I said laughing nervously.

Sighing I took care of the growing forest fire and tried my best to cover all the new holes I made on the earth.

This took me a long time since when I was done the sun was about to set.

Walking back to the village I couldn't stop but think about all the things I could now do.

Train Sarada, Hikari, Go on missions. Just help around the village.

Wait.. I almost forgot Sarada hates me right now...

"So you can finally make jutsu's huh?" I knew I felt a familiar chakra. That must have been Sakura... I haven't been here in a while so I kind of forgot what everyone's chakra feels like.

In the forest I saw a silhouette. Seconds later she appeared walking out of it.

"Oh hello Sakura." She started walking towards me.

"Now I can fight you without anyone saying it was an unfair fight." She said smiling wickedly.

I took a couple steps back.

"Uh.. Are you ok Sakura?"

"You're taking everything away from me again how can I be alright with that!" She yelled throwing a punch which I successfully dodged. Her punch made a huge crater on the ground though.

"I'm not taking anything away Sakura!" I defended myself.

"Hikari, Sarada, Sasuke, the whole damn village! Because your back all the attention is on you. Why couldn't you just stayed where you were. I finally had a chance with Sasuke and now that you're here... Everything is gone!" She threw kunai's this time.

I didn't have any on me so the only thing I could do at the time was dodge them.

"I told him to stay with you Sakura. How is all of this my fault!" I said as I stood on the branch of a tree.

"Because now he can go back to you Miyuki! Can't you see that you're the one he fell in love with not me... That's why I'm going to kill you. I want things to be just how it was when you were gone."once again she ran after me wanting to land a punch but someone stopped her.

My eyes widened at who it was.

"Sasuke..." Sakura said barley above a whisper.


"Don't ever try to hurt Miyuki again. Understand." His tone gave me goosebumps.

The look in Sakura made me feel sorry for her even though just seconds ago she was trying to kill me...

"Sasuke." I said getting off the tree and walking towards the two. He looked at me and let go of Sakura's hand.

looking at her wrist I noticed it slowly turning purple.

"She didn't hurt me ok? see I'm fine." I noticed the hint of anger in Sakura's eyes when Sasuke came closer to me leaving her laying there without a single drop of concern.

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