Chapter 19

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4 months later

Third POV

"You're doing great! You just need a little more practice!" Yelled Miyuki from a safe distance.

"Oh come on! I've been practicing the same jutsu for almost a month now!" Whined Sarada.

Miyuki chuckled and walked closer to Sarada.

"You know. Your father also learned this jutsu for the chunin exams." This caught Sarada's attention.


Miyuki nodded.

"I attended the chunin exams here just like he did. I remember him being older then you are now when he learned this jutsu. I bet you'll make both your brother and father jealous if you learn it at your age~" she sung.

Sarada's eyes sparkled.

Miyuki's POV

Good thing one of her chakra natures is lightning. If not I wouldn't be able to teach this jutsu to her.

I bet Sakura was the one to train her until now. I mean she has her monstrous strength.

She's physically stronger than me when I was her age like geez. I feel bad for Boruto...

Poor kid probably got knocked out because of her.


By the looks of it she's improving.

Its gotten bigger and brighter then the other.

I walked farther away from her because if by accident she were to hit me with that I would for sure be dead since I don't have chakra to protect me.

"You're doing great! That's your last one for today try your fireball!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear.

These past four months have been amazing.

Sarada has opened up to me more and even asked me to train her about three months ago. Ever since then I showed her new moves and jutsu.

Now she can use long distance jutsu's as well.

I have no doubt that she'll become a chunin.

Either way I'd be proud of her. She's gotten this far.

"Fire style fireball jutsu!" She yelled and in front of her appeared a good sized fireball. It was way better then the last time she showed it to me, but it still needs improvement.

She did a couple more fireballs and we worked with taijutsu for a couple minutes when we decided to call it a day.

"I see you've been practicing." I told her as I started walking her back to her house.

She grinned.

"Yes I have. Everyday after breakfast and dinner I come to practice the new jutsu you show me." I ruffled her hair making her pout.

"Such a good student." I praised.

Sarada became my student when Boruto became Sasuke's.

I still remember the day it happened.

Sasuke told him to perform the rasengan or else he wouldn't accept him as a student.

He barley made it though.

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