Chapter 4

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Sasuke's POV

My eyes widened. I looked down to where her grave was.

So this is her grave...

I never came to her grave before. Ever since she died I tried forgetting about her but I just... couldn't.

We spent all our lives together. She was the only other person besides Naruto that always believed I wasn't all that bad. They protected me even after all I've done. I've got to admit I had a soft spot for the both of them especially for her and now she's... gone. Now that I think about it, I think I'm still in love with her...

A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Sasuke?" I looked up to find that the voice belonged to Asuma. "I haven't seen you in a while how's Hikari?" he said with the teenage girl next to him.

The teenage girl never spoke a word and now I know why. They were so close. Miyuki would babysit her all the time, mostly because she adored her.

She was 6 when Miyuki died. I can't believe she still remembers her.

"Well." I said simply.

"Still don't talk much huh?" I just look back at Miyuki's grave not paying much attention to him. "You still love her don't you Sasuke?"

How did he...

"Of course not." my eyes are now on him. Glaring. I heared someone giggle. It was Kurenai.

Great what now.

"Come on Sasuke admit it you do still love her. We've known that since you two were very young the both of you wouldn't be able to live without one another. You wouldn't let her go on a mission, or even walk around the village on her own. The both of you were so cute!" she said. I could feel my face heat up a little, but of course it wasn't noticeable. "Well it was nice seeing you again Sasuke we'll see you around." they walked off with their children in tacked. I just stood there watching them leave.

After a while I walked towards her grave.

They know things I didn't even know I did. Its true I did love her. Ever since I can remember I was in love with her. All those memories we had together. Sitting in the dinning room at my house with my mother, father and my brother eating the home made food mother cooked for us that day. Or when she would take care of me when I got hurt during training. Those are the memories I would like to relive again.

Before I knew it I felt something wet on my cheek. I lift my hand to touch it. I was... crying. Not long after I was sobbing. I fell on my knees in Front of her grave.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I kept repeating the same thing over and over again like it was the only thing I knew how to say.

"Sasuke..." I opened my eyes to see a blurry figure. I blinked to clear my vision and it worked... well kind of. Now I could at least make up the figure. It was... Sakura.

Sakura's POV

I was shocked when I saw he was crying

He loves her... Even though she's dead he still... loves her.

I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Its ok Sasuke... We all miss her. You're not alone." he stood up and wiped the tears away with the back of his arm.

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