Chapter 6

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Hikari's POV

While I was running back to the Uchiha compound I sensed another presence nearby. I stopped running.

"Who's there?!" no one answered.

Grabbing one of my kunai from my pouch I threw it in the direction I sensed the person or thing was. The shadow that appeared came into the light.

"What are you doing here Hikari? You were suppose to be at compound." said my father.

Oh my god this man almost gave me a heart attack!

"Walking around, I was just about to walk back to the compound. Were you looking for me?" I asked.

"Yes. Your sister told me what happened. Why did you run off like that?"

I almost forgot. I must have worried her.

"I worried Sarada didn't I?" he nodded. "Well I ran off because I couldn't stand being in the same room as him." I said glaring at the ground.

"Hurry up, I wasn't the only one searching for you." he had already turned away from me heading back. Sighing I followed him.

Sakura's POV

"Where could he be!" I was getting worried. He never runs off without explaining himself first. If he was really that angry then we have to find him.

The last time he ran off he came back with broken bones. All he was doing was punching trees and doing jutsu until he passed out. Hopefully we find him until that happens.

"Lets... take a break... mom." I turned my head to see Sarada was breathing hard. I gasped and stopped running.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. Its just... You know how your brother gets when he's upset. Last time he came home with broken bones and left a training field full with holes and burns, and lets not forget about the ninja's that he beat up last time. They all ended up in the hospital for almost a month, all just because they wanted to help him." she stood up from her crouched position and smiled.

"It doesn't seem like he's upset to me." she said pointing behind me. Turning around I saw Hikari smiling and my husband behind him.

"Hikari honey are you alright?!" I yelled running to him then when I reached him I embraced him.

"Yeah mom don't worry about me I was just a little angry is all." he reassured me.

"You looked pretty upset to me" I heard Sarada say. Hikari glared at his younger sister while I chuckled.

"Alright guys no fighting we should get home and get some sleep it's getting late."

I noticed his bandaged hands but when I touched them he didn't even flinch which means they're healed.

Who could have done that? Because he hasn't learn medical ninjutsu yet. At least I don't think he has.

Sasuke's POV

If Hikari was as upset as Sarada said he was then he wouldn't be all happy now. What happened in that forest.

No one has ever been able to calm him down except Sarada. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but I did feel another presence when I was chasing Hikari's chakra. I'll have to ask him later.

Time skip

Finally everyone was asleep. Well everyone except me and Hikari that is.

I knew he was awake since he kept moving positions every minute.

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