Chapter 8

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Sasuke's POV

Miyuki Uchiha.

There standing 5 feet away from me was the woman I fell in love with and with that smile I love so much plastered on her face.

"M-Miyuki?" she nodded slowly. "But how? You're suppose to be dead." Her bright smile slowly turned into a sad one.

"I know... Its... Its a long story." She said rubbing her upper left arm.

"After all this time don't you think I deserve to know?"

I deserve to know what happened, and I'm not letting her leave until she tells me everything I need to know.

She sighed.

"I see you rubbed off on Hikari. The both of you always want to get straight to the point don't you?" my eyes narrowed.

"You've met Hikari?"

"Yes, it's because of him I'm here actually." I looked at her confused. "Lets go somewhere else to talk." I nodded and followed her.

We walked in complete silence.

I can't believe she's here standing right in front of me after all these years. But how? What happened? Why now?

So many questions were going through my head at this point that I didn't know what to do.

As she stopped and I looked around I knew exactly where we were.

We ended up in the forest we always went to when we wanted to have a little picnic.

"Now answer me. How are you here?" I asked shaking all the memories out me head and focusing on what I wanted to know.

She sat on top of a branch swinging her legs back and forth.

"My body is in a completely different dimension. What you see right now is like a spirit. Hikari told me everyone thinks I'm dead but the truth is... I never died. The two men that took me set a genjutsu on you to make you think I was dead. At least that's what I think they did." my eyes widened.

"That can't be true."

I would have seen right through their genjutsu. This can't be.

"If you want you can go dig up my coffin. There will be nothing in there, it'll be empty, but it's your choice if you want to believe me or not Sasuke." I said nothing. She sighed. "Well anyway back to your original question. I'm here because for some reason I was able to make a connection with Hikari. I'm guessing it was because he was angry at the time and it was easy for me to make a connection, and awaken his mangekyo sharingan which allowed me to have access to this dimension it's as simple as that really, but I also think they had something to do with it. I doubt it would be this easy."

By 'they' she must mean the two guys that kidnapped her.

"So you're not physically here in Konoha?" She shook her head.

"I want you to know they might come back for my spirit or whatever I am once they find a way to fully control my power."

"If they don't? What will happen then?" I asked curiously.

"Then they'll just find a way to control me instead, and if that happens I want you to kill me... ok Sasuke." she looked serious.

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