Chapter 30

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Sarada's POV

A year has passed since the incident with Momoshiki happened.

A lot has happened after that.

My mom Miyuki gave birth to twins a month ago.

They are absolutely the cutest.

The nine months she was pregnant was the worst though.

Dad would be by her side 24/7. He would guard the door just to make sure she would be alright.

I wonder of he's like this whenever mom's pregnant or injured.

He treats her like a newborn baby. It can be really extremely annoying.

He forced us to be extra careful when we're around her, and whenever he's needed by grandfather or someone else Hikari and I have to be with her with my dads shadow clone.

Yeah... Worst 9 months of my life...

"Sarada sweety can you get me the two bottles please?" I nodded getting the empty baby bottles from the counter.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Where did dad go?" I asked playing with my baby brother's hand.

One is a boy and the other is a girl.

They're both on a blanket on the floor.

I still remember when we found out mom was expecting twins. Never saw dad so speechless before.

I also just moved in with them like a couple days after she announced it to us.

We were having dinner at a restaurant and she spilled the beans right when we had something in our mouths.

Hikari and I almost died that day.

I choked on water and he choked on pasta.

Dad just sat their with eyes wide as saucers. Then after a couple minutes he snapped out of it and asked mom a billion questions like how she was feeling, when she found out, if she was sure, and all that kind of stuff.

"He went to get some groceries with your brother. Its about time he left the house." she said sighing.

I laughed.

"I'm surprised he actually went."

She was preparing the baby's bottles and breakfast so I decided to help her by distracting the kids.

"It took me half the morning to convince him to go with Hikari. Your father really is a hand full." I started making silly faces making both babies laugh.

"He wasn't a hand full last year. Its all because of you. You bring out this side of him." my voice sounded a little weird since I was stretching my lips and sticking my tongue out.

"We're back!" our conversation was interrupted by Hikari almost knocking down the door.

I stopped making silly faces and turned towards the two that came in.

Dad was holding two bags and so was Hikari.

"That was fast." said mom giving me one bottle and the other to Hikari.

"I tried." dad said giving mom a small kiss.

"Ewww!! Get a room!" Hikari and I yelled.

The two laughed.

"Ok." dad said already holding mom bridal style.

"Sasuke! Put me down!" mom yelled laughing at the same time.

"I'm just doing what the kids told us to do." he said walking up the stairs and to their room.

I shivered trying not to imagine what they were going to do.

"Here you go little one. Sorry you waited long mom and dad we're acting like weirdos with each other." I said feeding Jina while Hikari fed Jin.

"I can't believe it took you 8 months to finally start calling her mom." Hikari said laughing at me.

"Humph I just needed time to know her is all."

"She was so happy she even started crying!" we laughed.

"She also almost cried when you have her that one picture you took when they were sleeping on the couch."

"That was because of her hormones. Remember women are more sensitive when they're pregnant." he said a matter of factly.

"Then why would you give it to her When she was pregnant?"

"Not my fault she was pregnant on her birthday." He said pouting.

"Wow ok blame it on her birthday. Oh did you know that aunt Sakura and Uncle Kiba started dating a couple weeks ago?" his confused expression told me he didn't.

"I do now. How did you know this?"

"I saw them holding hands around the village, and they've been spending more and more time together."

"Well, I'm glad she found someone to be with and Uncle Kiba is a really nice guy." I nodded agreeing with him.

My stomach started growling.

"I'm hungry..."

"Me too... Lets just make breakfast ourselves."

"How?" I asked signaling towards the baby.

"Shadow clones obviously."

I sighed.

Of course.

Shadow clones.

Miyuki's POV

"Don't you think its a little early for me to get pregnant again?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"I'd like to have more."  I rolled my eyes.

"You're not the one giving birth, but you're right. I'd like to have more too." he smiled kissing my forehead.

"I love you." I giggled.

"And so do I... Thank you for choosing me to be your wife. I'm very happy by your side."

"Thank you for saying yes."

This year has so far been the best of my life since Sarada and Hikari were born.

I now have four wonderful children and probably another one on the way...

Sarada finally calls me mom and Sakura moved on. She's with Kiba now.

My brother and everyone else that's part of the hidden snow village went back.

I still have some of their presents with me.

Most of them were food, but the ones I have with me now are objects.

Sasuke is now the leader of the clan.

Itachi is taking care of his growing family as well. He has another kid on the way and so does Obito. My brother and Neji already had another child with their own families.

Everyone's family is growing more and more.

Obito and Kakashi's teenage kids are dating each other.

I honestly think they're the cutest pair.

It took a lot a lot of convincing but I managed to convince Obito to let Akio come to the village once in a while to see Kaori, and vise versa.

Its a bit hard because they're always busy with their missions, but they still manage to see each other.

I can't wait for their wedding.

Anyhow. My life is finally back to normal.

I'm with my children and my loving husband.

I've returned.

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