Telling The Fans

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"Hello internet." Dan did his usual intro to the video, despite the importance of this video. "So by the title of this video, you guys probably want to know what my so called 'secret' is." He did quotes up in the air on the word secret. "Let's start off with a bit of a back story." He took in a deep breath. "I haven't wanted to talk to ANY of my family nor about them. And I still don't know if I should be." Another deep breath. "I moved out of my house mid 2007. The reason is.. I'm gay. My family hated me because of it. And now I'm sitting here by myself being ashamed after all I've told you." 

He inserted clips of him talking about his sexuality. 

"So what if I am? How is it going to change your life in any way? How will it affect you personally?" 

"Find me the right guy. Who knows what might happen?" 

Then it showed back to his face. "And as you guys guessed it. I am with Phil." He smiled lightly. "But one thing I ask is please don't direct any hate towards my family." 


Phil turned on the camera and sat down slowly. "Hey guys!" Phil said excitedly. He wasn't nervous. Well, not for himself, but for Dan. "So by the title of this video, you can that I have great and exciting news to tell you!" Phil smiled and looked down at his shaking hands. Maybe he was nervous. "You guys know that I have always been very... acceptant of everything. I think?" Phil laughed again. "Anyway," He gestured up. "You also know me and Dan have been living together for a long time. Also." Phil sighed and looked to the door, listening to Dan's voice in his room. He was filming his video too. 

"Sorry um." Phil paused. "I want to tell you that I am bisexual." Phil smiled again. "And I've been dating Dan for what? Six years now?" Phil snickered a bit. "Now you know."

"Anyway! If you liked this video please give this a thumbs up and subscribe to me and Dan.  And thank you all so much for the support. Me and Dan... We both really love you guys." 

Then the video cut off. A black screen was all that you could see.

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