Black and White

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Ok so yet another prompt from Tumblr and I really do love it.

"au where everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. ADDITIONALLY: when your soulmate dies, the world goes back to Black and white."


Dan slid his way into the tube, trying to find an empty seat. He said, mumbling to himself, "Of course there isn't one." He held on to a bar above his head and looked around the monochrome world. He wondered if any of these people could see color. He wondered what it was like. He'd gotten one of his friends to explain what it feels like and what the colors were, but it didn't really help. He shifted his weight as the shuttle came to a stop, letting more people on. It was starting to get a lot more crowded as the wave of people pushed passed him. They crowded around him, backs, shoulders, arms pressing against him. As another person pushed through, more people got shoved together. All the sudden, Dans vision went white. He blinked confused and rubbed his eyes, opening them once more.

He saw color. He looked around in awe for a moment before trying to find whoever made him see color. He turned around to see a boy looking at his surroundings similar to how Dan was. He had black hair and these bright blue eyes. Dan turned completely so that his chest was pressed against his back and he awkwardly poked the boys shoulder. The boy turned around surprised. Dan looked at him and gave a slight smile. "Can you Uh... can you see colors now?"

The boy nodded, blushing. "Yeah.."

Dan smiled even wider now. He took in the boys features and held on to the bar above him, his knuckles turning white. "I-I'm Dan."

The boy looked at Dan, smiling too. "Phil," he said trying to make it so that they could have at least a little bit of personal space. It was hard though. It was only getting more crowded and their bodies were being pushed up against each other.

Dan cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well I'm sorry that meeting had to be under circumstances like this," he joked.

"At least me met," Phil said back, looking away from Dan bashfully.

"Yeah... at least me met." Dan smiled. The next stop was Dans, and he didn't want to lose Phil after just meeting him. "Look, uh... this is my stop. Do you want to come with and hang out or something?"

"Sure," Phil nodded as he hesitantly took Dans hand.

Dan was surprised for a moment and froze, but he quickly regained himself and held his hand back.

~Dan is 30 now~
"I'll be back, Philly. Just running to the shop real quick."

Phil popped out from behind the wall. "Alright, love you!"

"Love you!" Dan said, slipping out the front door.

Phil smiled happily as he opened his laptop. Dan wasn't going to take that long, he decided. So he started to just put on music to listen to as he laid back and looked at the ceiling. He started humming along when his vision flickered for a second, turning from colored to monochrome, back to colored. He furrowed in eyebrows in confusion but ended up just shrugging it off. He listened to a couple more songs and that's when his head started to pound. He sat up holding his head, squeezing his eyes shut from the pain. "Ahhh, What the hell?"

He opened his eyes and stood up, covering his mouth with his hand. Pain rushed throughout his body. "Dan..." His legs turned to jelly as he collapsed back in the floor. He opened his eyes once more to reveal his monochrome world.

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