Ice Skates

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Back story: Dan and Phil just watched Yuri on ice and are now doing a video ice skating dressed like them.


"Hey guys!" Phil waved enthusiastically into the camera. "Today we're doing something special and kind of life threatening."

"Kind of?!" Dan yelled from another room. "I'm going to die!"

Phil laughed and looked behind him to where Dan was probably standing. "You're not gonna die."

"YES I AM!" Dan said in his iconic screechy voice.

Phil look back at the camera giggling. "Ok so there's a reason why I'm only showing my head and no it's not because I'm not just a floating head without a body now." Phil tilted his head back and widened his eyes.

"Yeah, Phil that's what they thought." Dans words came out dripped with sarcasm.

Phil rolled his eyes. "Well the real reason why is because we are going ice skating!" Dan appeared in the frame finally and smiled sourly. "And we're dressed like Viktor and Yuri!" Phil held the camera out further to reveal a little bit of each of their costumes. "That's only a sneak peek."

"Yeah we can't give ya too much too soon.." Dan winked. Phil smacked Dans chest playfully.

"Okay so it takes us an HOUR AND A HALF to drive to the rink but for you it will be like one minute." Phil waved to the camera smiling. "See you there."

*timeskip to when they are there*

"Okay yes hello." Dan showed the audience the building where the ice rink is. "There's the place where I will say my final words." Dan laughed.

"No, stop saying that!" Phil said while walking behind Dan to get into frame.

"Alright whatever anyway, we're going to get our skates so see you in a second." Dan and Phil smiled at the camera right before it cut to them putting their skates on. "Right so Phil forgot to mention that I don't know how to skate."

"It's fine there's literally no one here. We can set the camera down!" Phil placed the camera on a railing and looked over at Dan who was glaring.

"Fine." Phil skates out to the camera and turned it around so the audience could see his face and almost all of the skating rink. In the left side of the frame, Dan and Phil were skating into the rink. Dan was holding onto Phils shoulder and arm while sliding around the ice.

"Try to spin! I'll hold on to your hands!" Phil tried to grab Dans hands but Dan pulled away.

"I don't need your BLOODY HANDS." Dans feet were flying every which way as he started to lose his balance. He grabbed and leaned onto Phil. Phil grabbed Dan and started to help him to the camera.

"Don't need my hands huh?" Phil retorted.

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