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"Yeah, they were right. Ikea is practically a never-ending maze that we can never escape from." Dan huffed, turning yet another corner. Phil laughed and followed. "I mean come on, people! I wanted a fucking wardrobe and now I'm stuck looking at sofas!"

"You're never gonna get out, you're trapped." Phil looked toward a red wooden chair sitting next to a side table. "At least you'll be stuck with comfy furniture... and meatballs!" Dan rolled his eyes as Phil went to sit on the chair. 

"What are you doing?" 

"It looks comfy!" Phil whined. As he went to step up on the platform the chair was on he slipped, grasping for something to stop him from the fall. He just so happened to grab one of the most useless things, a  table mat with a couple of small glass candles on it. The table mat slid off of the side table and the candles fell to the floor, one of them cracking. 

Dan burst out in laughter and peeled over, nearly falling to the floor himself. "You are so clumsy, you-" He couldn't finish the sentence, he was laughing way too hard. Phil shot up, put the candles back and started to walk away.

Dan followed slowly, "What? Where are you going? I thought it looked comfy."

Phil crossed his arms in embarrassment. "This never happened."

"Never happened?" Dan sighed happily, wrapping an arm around Phil. "I'm never gonna let you live this down, hun."


Super short, new chapter out tomorrow :)

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