Get Ready for an UnderSCARE

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Phil groaned. He rolled over to his side and grasped at his shoulders and curled himself up in a ball. This hurt. This hurt bad. He turned his head and looked up at the hole that he fell into. He sat up and groaned again, looking around for Dan. He heard rustling behind him as if someone were waking in leaves and looked around. "Dan?" He whisper-yelled. "Dan."

Dan sat up sleepily. "Yes, Love?"

"How are you sleeping right now?"

He shook his head confused. "What do you mean?" He looked around and his eyes widened. "Where in the HELLLLLLL?"

They were surrounded and engulfed in a field of yellow flowers. They walked through a tiny door and saw a single flower in the middle of the dark room.

The flower turned around slowly.

"Hi! I'm Fl-"

"No no no no this cannot be happening." Dan looked around.

Flowey looked at them confused. "Hi! I'm-"

"SHUT UP!" Dan yelled panicked. Phil layed a hand on his shoulder, not knowing what to say.

"Hi?" Flowey repeated once more.

"Ok. Yes hello. Hi. What's up," Dan said sarcastically as he walked past. "Don't even try to get us with that love crap."

Phil shrugged and followed after Dan hurriedly. Flowey looked at them confused and then huffed as he went back underground.

"Dan, how in the hell in did we get here?" Phil asked.

"I don't know but we need to get out."

They walked and walked until they arrived at the familiar door. Toriel. It read. Dan looked at Phil wide eyed. The door swung open to reveal goat mom.

"Oh HELLO children!" Toriel smiled.

"We need help," Dan said glancing up at her. She was tall. Taller than them, which is surprising.

"Well of course! What can I do?" She gasped. "How about i get you some pie?! You look starving," Toriel pointed at Phil.

"Uh no Thanks but-"

"WE NEED OUT OF HERE LADY!" Dan nearly screamed.

"Ok.ok. But how about you get some rest fir-" Toriel was interrupted by a raging Dan.

"JEEEESUS CHRIST! Toriel. We already know what's happening. I know exactly what you're going to do and we need to get out of here before someone else ENDS UP LIKE A FLOWER!"

"What? Like a flower? That's absurd, child." Toriel smiled at him.

"Dan..." Phil said warningly as a small little figure appeared behind Toriel. "I don't think it's happened yet." Phil pointed at a small little goat boy wearing a striped shirt.

Dan looked at the goat boy and then noticed someone was hiding behind him. It was Chara.

And she hadn't killed yet.

"Phil, lets go back." Dan said.

"Dan. How was Flowey there if he's still...?" Phil looked down at the boy.

The goat murmured a little hi and ran off with his friend. "Toriel. Chara is going to kill you and everyone else."

"That's ridiculous. Why would you-"

"Just listen to us." Dan said. "We're hoping we can save you and ourselves."

Idk what this was but hey. Here you go.

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