Building Bonds

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The bell rang and I didn't hesitate to hurry out class. With my buds almost in, I entered the girl's bathroom to the most ridiculous scene ever. The typical cheer leading bully in the bathroom except the victim was Macy. I rolled my eyes at how sad this way considering that its probably about David. Why can't girls come at me so I can bust them up and rip them apart!! I really and truly hate this kinda crap.
He doesn't want you so why the heck you attacking the girl he is fucking with? Well one of but goddamn tho.
The only thing I have received since Mason and I became official is more respect because that's what I get for being a bad sheep and dating the bad boy/school's superstar.

"Hey" I called out and everybody turned to me. "Like seriously" I pointed to Macy and glared at the girls. "Why can't you bitches pick on me?" I took my bag off and attempt to place it on the floor.

"Wow, who died and made this...." I held my hand up cause the girl to stop talking. I didn't know this girl and its obvious she aint one of the elite of the cheer team.

"If I were you, I wouldn't finish that statement, get out now! Before my bag touches the floor and I walk over" I kept my glare between the girls but simply glanced at Macy who looked at me like I was the last hope she had. 

"Heather gonna hear about this" The girl said before she hissed at Macy and hurried out the bathroom along with her snake ass hoes following her. 

Before Macy could attack me with the smile on her face, I glared at her and fear soon ran over her face. I shook my head and went to place my bag on the counter. I turned to her but I didn't say anything, just looked at her. I could stand her and ridicule her like the other girls but I did agree to help her.

"You can't be dating David and you are being a pushover" 

"You can't let them push you around all the time or no time at all"

"You asked me to help you, and I will but  you can't want change and you haven't done anything to demonstrate that you want it"

"You got with David because he obviously see something in you and he is willing to cherish that but these hoes are gonna break you"

I sigh as she just stood there in silence, not protesting or answering me. I rolled my eyes, moved over to her and grabbed her shoulder, which startled her. Her eyes widen as they looked at me and I shook my head again. 

"Listen, you know what you want, you just need to defend it. Next time you need to stand up to them or I am gonna beat them then beat you and beat David, if i can" I released her and walked back to the corner. "Macy, you just can't always be pushed over".

"Hey, you wanna hang out later?" I was caught off guard by her question more than her random question. I rolled my eyes and looked floor but she didn't say anything just stood there quiet. 

"Umm Sure" I looked up at her and leaned off the counter. "When?"

"After school or tomorrow? whenever is ok as long as it happens" I shrugged and started walking towards the exit of the bathroom since I really don't want to have the conversation in a perfume chamber of death. We strolled down the hall until we reached her locker. She was friendly, gullible yet friendly. I noticed the necklace she had on, of course I would. I picked it out for David. He was nervous but of course she loved it. ".....and Briana can come along too" I flashed my eyes up to look at her. 

"You sure?" I tilted my head to side and raised my eye brow at her.

"Yeah, she is your best friend and it would be good to build a bond with you guys" She looked a bit nervous. But she pulled on a smile.

"Ok, i'll inform her at lunch. Lets go or you could just ask her" I turned and started walking into the direction of the cafe. The noise gradually got louder until I pushed the door open to a cafeteria party. Girls on the table dancing, the boys whistling, some kids beating on the desk, others dancing or just watching and even videoing. I sighed and turned to look at Macy who was looking for David like a lost puppy. Unfortunately, well maybe not, Mason found me, hugging me from behind and kissing the top of my head. The fact that he is so attached to me and we haven't had sex yet is really interesting. 

"Hello ladies, how are you fine ass women doing?" I know he was biting his bottom lip because he squeezed my arm which pushed my breast together. I roll my eyes and Macy giggled at us. "As you can see I'll probably have detention later" He signaled to the chaos in the cafe.

"Well thats great, I am hanging with Macy today" I could feel how his heart quicken along with the slight release from his hug. I turned to look at him and I glared at him forcing him to smile at me. "So please take David with you".

"Oh, i haven't seen that guy since physics class" Mason started looking around the cafe then he shrugged. Macy already got her phone and I am guessing she is calling David, but no answer. "Maybe he went home" Mason locked eyes with me and I shook my head.

"Be right back" I left the cafeteria and walked quickly down the hall, taking a right then I came up on the stairs that led to the roof. I started up them and pushed the door open. The boy suddenly turned to look at me and he shook his head, continuing to play with the stones he gathered from the ground.

"Of course you would find me" He spoke with amusement and turned his attention to the woods behind the school. "I know everybody is looking for me, Mason can be abit of a mother type when given the chance" I closed the door behind me and walked over slowly to the place he was now standing. 

"So why are you up here? You stopped the smoking habit so......" before i could finish my thought, he turned to me with concern in his eyes. My mouth went dry and my nerves loosen. I was sweating and my body stopped in anticipation. 

"Macy slept over last night and when I got up this morning she told me...." He sighed and walked away alittle. I could hear the angry in his sigh and even the frustration. "She told me that I had sex with her while I was sleeping" It wasn't  a surprise to me but I had to act that way.

"No way? Like really bruh" I smiled to calm the nerves that were making me shake. 

"Atleast you find it funny, she was terrified and she even started crying, we had an argument before we got here, and she hasn't spoken to me since" He sat on the floor and leaned against the wall.

"But she was calling you..."He shook his head and laughed hysterically. "But she..." He looked up at me again and shook his head.

I released alittle scream and dropped my bag, I was upset that she as pretending while Mason and I were actually concerned. But I think the real problem was that he was now having sex with her in his sleeping state. Something that we shared special. But now she makes him feel bad about it.

I walked back to the cafe, grabbed Macy's arm and dragged her out the noise to the halls. She looked scared and surprise. I only had a few minutes before Briana came looking for us since I made a scene. "What happened with you and David?" I yelled but I stepped away from her trying to calm down. "And yes he told me, so what if your man fucks you in his sleep?" She opened her mouth to speak but I wasn't done. "He is your man, you are suppose to be enjoying it, it might get tiring but heck he is YOUR MAN". 

"Its ok when he says my name and not yours" My heart stopped abit.

She knows...

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