What Can A Girl Do?

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I sat with Mason in his car as he drove us to school. My finger nails were polished with red and they were all I was looking at. My heart was beating fast and my mind was unstable. Mason was completely unaware of my current predicament and frustration. I have never been in a situation like this and the fact that he confessed his feelings towards me, just makes it even worse.

Does he wish to be in a relationship? Or what?

"...Riley" I finally noticed Mason's hand on my thigh and that caused me to flinch alittle. "Babe, you have been acting weird all morning" The car suddenly stopped and he turned to look at me.

"We are gonna be late for school. I am OK" I looked over at Mason. "Why the stopping?" I sighed.

"Riley, I am not gonna play this game with you" He glared at me and pushed his hair back. "I have a lot of stuff going on right now and I can't have my girl....hiding stuff from me" That's when I remembered the scene at his house.

"Mason baby, I am not hiding anything and I am not trying to stress you, I am just moody right now" I touched his cheek and smiled at him. "I'll be completely honest with you in everything" He sighed and closed the space between our lips. His lips felt cold against mine but it was felt with so much life and I appreciate that.

When we got to school, there wasn't much time to be social so I collected my kiss and made my way to class. I widened my eyes at Briana as I walked to my seat. I had so much to tell her and I am glad she picked up the signal.
Class wasn't much fun actually I wasn't even paying attention to the lesson, my mind was on the two boys I am sexually involved with. Well its a norm to another boyfriend but not when one is your step brother and the other is his best friend.

I sighed but my depression was short lived as Mason's name was announced over the intercom. I looked at Briana who was already looking at me. I shrugged cause I didn't know what was going on. And knowing Mason, I wouldn't know until I call him.
He didn't really hide anything from me but he doesn't really talk about it. Now to think of it, he didn't even mention what happened at his house. Sigh...one drama to the next.

"....Riley Fletcher" I looked up to see David standing by the door. He looked flustered like the time, Mom got assaulted by a client and his father almost went to prison. I didn't take long to get my stuff and leave the class with David.

"What happened with Mason?" I stopped him by touching his upper arm which made him tense. He looked at where we connected but quickly met my gaze.

"His baby sister had an accident" I released him as we rushed to his car. We got in and he gave me his phone, instructing me to text Macy. "His father was babysitting her when she had an asthma attack" David was really worried. Mason is his best friend, their bromance is deep on some many levels. They annoyed me when our family just started to come together. But the way that they have each other's back was admirable.

I decided to give Mason a call and luckily he answered. "Are you OK?" I sighed in relief.

"Just got to the hospital, Mom is panicking. The doctors, I guess, are trying their best right now" the stress in voice was obvious and I could hear the crying in the background.

"Babe, we'll be there in a few please calm down and take it easy" My words made me panic, this was his little sister and anybody could see the amount of love he has for her.

"We just need to see her, that's it. All I wanna do is see her. She is probably scared out of her mind...Fuck!" He cursed under his breath and sighed. "The pump is kept in the top draw. Everybody knows that, we all agreed on that...How the fuck did he forget that? Somebody tell me cause...." I could hear his mother's voice trying to calm him down then the voice of his father joined in.

"Mason, calm down please" I have seen Mason's temper before and it took David, the voice of his mother and his baby sister to calm him down. And now his father made a huge mistake with the one of the persons he cherishes the most in his life.

The line went dead and I urged David to hurry up. I know I was behave usual considering that I just started dating Mason but there is just something about the way he is with me that makes me want to protect him. "You are really into him, aren't you?" My heart skipped a beat and my body got heated as I looked at David.

Was I suppose to answer that question? What was he thinking in a time like this.

"Just a simple question" I looked away as he glanced my way a few times. "Do you love him?" The thought got me  really overheating here and the hospital isn't close enough or maybe the road got longer.

"This is a bad time to discuss this" I was trying to regain some confidence, some footing, some ground because I felt like the space wasn't big enough anymore.

"Not really, just a yes or no" I didn't know what was going on in his head but I wasn't ready for this.

"I care about him a lot and right now, he needs friends who care about him" I glared at the side of David's head but I hoped that my words didn't set something off in him.

"Guess that answer is good enough, Mason has too many drama around him right now"

"And I guess you are referring to us"

"Yes and the fact that I wanna stop the car and fuck you on the side of the road but I have my best friend to attend to, is trying enough. So please if you don't love him, don't pretend to" I almost choked on my disbelief and my hormones raged for little but his desires didn't overpower his concern for his best friend. And I guess that was a sign that whatever David and I had would be a problem for him and Mason as well.

I didn't wait for David to park before I bolted from the car and into the hospital. I found Mason leaning against the wall of the waiting room. And I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "Baby" his sad voice rang and he placed a kiss on the top of my head.   "Thank you for coming" He hugged me and I snuggled into him. I he,d onto him as if my life depended, I loved his sweet smell,  the way his arm locked around me, the way his heart sped up and slowed down as I embraced him. Mason meant something to me, something I didn't expect him to be.

"How is she?" David's voice came into play but Mason didn't let me go. And I didn't want to look around either.

"They just allowed Mom to go in, so I believe she is OK" Mason rubbed my back and I eased away alittle to look up at him.

"And you?" I spoke as I gazed up at him. When his grey eyes looked down at me and a small smile formed on his lips, I couldn't help myself from smiling back him and feeling safe in his arms. I tipped up abit and placed a small kiss on his mouth. 

"Now that you are here, I am feeling better" He spoke against my lips before kissing me again. I released him so that I could touch his cheeks. I don't know why I am being so passionate but what David said in the car reminded me of the promise I made to Mason. But now I don't want him to leave me, no matter how awful I am. "Maybe we can fulfill my fantasy of role playing in an hospital" Mason spoke against my lips, I eased away from him in laughter even though his sister was hospitalized, I am glad he could find a joke somewhere in of all this chaos. 

I turned around to find the most unlikely scene, my body shivered as Robert's eyes seem to be piercing into me. I didn't look away from his gaze, he relaxed in the chair looking as if he just accomplished a lifelong goal. I glanced around at Mason who was too deep in conversation with David to notice his father.  

What is this man's problem? And why did he allow this to happen to his baby? 

I shook my head and turned my attention to the boys but shot him one last look as he removed himself from the chair and continued down the hall.

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