Graduation 🎓

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"Maybe I am boring you guys right now but thank you for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it. There is alot of grammatical errors I'll fix it later but thank you for the 10k"

True love.... It's a gift

I watched my mother and my step Dad hug my stepbrother/lover/boyfriend/baby daddy. I didn't want to cry, actually I cried so hard yesterday after I left the doctor's office. I sat in my car on the side of the road and cried my big eyes out. Now the graduation service is over, my high school life is over and college life was about to begin but here I stand seven months pregnant, no tummy, just a few signs and a doctor's guarantee that I am pregnant.
Everybody was so happy and I didn't want to ruin it. I woke up, did my make up, waited for Briana to come over. I did her make up, we got dressed and I laughed while I could but I was still sadden by all this. I am pregnant and I can't tell anybody. I don't want to tell David because he might switch schools and he has a big career ahead of him. He would be happy but I am not giving to allow my baby to be his distraction.

"Riley" My Body shaked a little as Mason stood in front of me. I blinked a little just in case my eyes were glossy. "I vowed that I wasn't going to speak to you but congrats on your scholarship for your fashion designer dreams and I am happy the school recognize your dancing skills" He just took a knife and ran it through my chest, because I won't be dancing for awhile nor do I believe that I am going to be at school for long. I wasn't going to cry because of Mason either. I didn't want to show any emotions but I was really vulnerable right now.

"A-And I am proud of... You and David, you guys are going to be superstars" I smiled at him.

"Haha, your brother is the star now, college is his choice so we'll see but you look beautiful by the way, your glowing" I wanted to scream but I just did my conceited turn which earned a laugh from Mason. I was just going to pay this off until I am out of the crowd. I can't be crying right now, I can't let depress kill me either.

I am not living for myself anymore.

"I miss you Riley but I guess every happens for a reason " And he was right, if my calculations are right, I was pregnant well I was having sex with Mason. I got pregnant right around the time I started having conscious sex with David.

"I guess so too. I am glad you found it in your heart to forgive me.... And David plus keeping it a secret"

"Keeping it? Ha, it was like an bro instinct.... If that exist. I was getting attach to you because you were a safe zone in all my mess and I released.... " I wanted to stop him but as usual he didn't allow me to talk. "I kinda knew that he liked you when you first got here and I wasn't interested you until I kinda figured it out that you had feelings for him too and I saw how badly it could end so I wanted to be your distraction so I tried and failed" He rubbed the back of his head but I just kept looking at him in disbelief. "It's really funny but you are a good person and you deserve happiness and even though your love story is twisted, it's still your love story. And you can't help who you love" And just like that Heather appeared under Mason's arm. I glared at her as she did me.

"Chill Kitten, I am not after you anymore. I finally got my boy" Maybe I was missing something here, but it was really weird how Heather was all over David at first then started dating Mason after without David caring at all. My eyes found my step brother who was talking to some men in suits while Mom and Micheal stood beside him.

"Excuse me" I walked over to them but my pace slowed as Macy hugged David. I didn't pause I just hugged Mom who kissed my forehead and Micheal rubbed my back. "Aren't we looking like one big happy family" My eyes made contact with David who hugged Macy. I was seven months pregnant for a guy who going off to college with his girlfriend. A single tear ran down my cheek but I was still smiling. "I am going to step outside for a little bit" I kissed Mom's cheek, ignored protest and left for outside.

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