Oh! Snap.

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Macy and I stood there face to face in silence. She held my eyes and I wasn't gonna look away. I was nervous as to what she would say next or if she has told David this or even Mason. She sighed and rolled her eyes which caused me to grimace at her. 

"So what if he does?" Her eyes widened and she looked as if she was about to snap on me. "He was sleeping, so he doesn't know that he was having sex and he could be sleep talking differently, Look it isn't like he is awake and he called my name" I threw my hands up as all the possibilities started running through my head. "Why did you make a big deal out of my name, is this why you are so bent to hang with me?" I know I was dragging it too far but I can't afford this extra drama right now. 

She was getting ready to protest and thats when I dropped the perfect lines, "Don't ever think you can use me" I stormed off back to the cafe and my fake anger created a scene when Mason followed me out the glass doors leading to the school's backyard. I shook my head in frustration and sighed before he took hold of my arm. 

"What happened?" His voice firm and demanding, bossy. 

I shrug him off and continued pacing as I was now becoming frustrated for real and my world seemed as if it was caving in. What if David started asking questions? And I had to give answers?

"....Riley....Riley"I heard him calling my name but I couldn't be bothered right now. "Riley talk to me"

"Well you just stop being nagging right now, I am trying to think" I turned to Mason with my voice high, my temper flaring and my mind all over the place. "Just stop, everybody is really getting to me right now and I can't deal" I clapped my hands in his face and I returned to my pacing. "Like..." Before I could finish or create a sentence, somebody grabbed my arms and I was almost on tippy toes. My eyes widen as i looked into Mason's angry ones.

"Who the fuck are you yelling at? and clapping your damn hands at? and raising your voice at?" I couldn't breath, I was kinda shaving and I was focused on the guy i have never seen angry before. "You better check that shit, I ain't one of them guys you can yell at, I asked you a question and it needs an answer" My world stopped for a minute or maybe a minute too long cause I was really taking Mason in right now. He didn't release me immediately but when he did, he took a deep breath and started walking away from me.

"Ma...Mason. Mason, wait" I followed him well I was chasing him, his steps were bigger than mine and he was really angry. "Mason" Before he disappeared around the counter, I grabbed his shirt and pulled myself into him. I hugged him as tight as possible and squeezed my eyes, hoping he wouldn't push me off. "I am sorry, I am really sorry, I was just..."

"Upset? I know. But the way you reacted wasn't necessary. I am your boyfriend being concerned is my job and if you don't want that then I can start treating you like these other girls" I sighed but I didn't release him. I can't tell him because I don't know if Macy told David that part and I really don't want Mason to freak out. Well right now, I don't want him to leave me. 

"I just lost it ok...Thats it, I am really sorry" I was holding onto him as if my life depended on it. I opened my eyes when he held onto my hands that locked around him. I felt when his heart sped up and that caused me to feel warm inside. I smiled against his hard back and took in his cologne. 

"Just don't push me to shut at you again, I don't want you to see me like that ever" I released him so he could hug me back and he did exactly that. Placed a gentle kiss on my head and we just stood there. 

*After school* 

I stood with Mason by his car, I held onto his hand. I was being a bit clingy since the argument during lunch. I was really trying to avoid Macy, pretending that I was upset with her for her assumption. Fortunately, Briana was caught up with  late assignment so I didn't have much drama to deal with. Mason was having a conversation on his phone and by his reaction, he didn't want to be engaged in it. I on the other hand, looked away from him just in time to spot the lovely couple of  Macy and David walking out together. 

So I'll be honest, I did feel jealous about it but yet I was ok. I have mix feelings about it but I know I had to stay with Mason for my sake mostly or I would end up in a heart broken situation, which might end up breaking my new family apart. I moved closer to Mason and the hold on my hand tightened. He smiled down at me and continued talking on the phone. I glanced over at David and Macy again, thats when Macy looked over in my direction and my muscles tensed. And my breath hitched then to top it off, David mimicked her actions. I don't know what she said but even when she looked away, he didn't. 

"Mason" I said and I looked up at him but  then his voice got firm and his tone changed. It seemed as if he was getting angry because he released my hand and moved away from me. "....If you do anything stupid, I am gonna...." His words faded as he walked away. I throw my bag in the car and started after him but he sudden held his hand up for me to stop and forced a smile. I stopped and nod at him but then he went back to his thunder.

"Riley" I turned to see Macy walking towards me. Mason was my safety net, it isn't like I am afraid of Macy  or anything, I just don't wanna ruin my relationship with Mason or my family. And Technically I played a part in it cause I could have told David and we could have seek help but now it has happened so many times, its hard to confess that I kept this secret. I was about to walk away but she took hold of my hand causing me to freeze. "Please just hear me out" I could hear the pleading in her voice and that made me guilty. "I didn't mean to come at you like that earlier and I already apologized to David, I am really sorry and I really hope we can be friends or atleast....".

"Macy" She paused and waited with fear in her eyes. "Stop apologizing, I would have reacted the same way" I smiled at her and thats when she pulled me into a hug. I couldn't hold back my laughter until my eyes locked with the eyes of David. He was leaning against Mason's car with his hands fold. His face wasn't showing much of an expression and that made me worry about going home.

"We can hang out tomorrow night" She pulled away and flashed a final smile before walking back to David. He kissed the top of her head and placed an arm around her shoulder as they walked away.

I released a sigh of relief and that's when Mason came and pulled me into a hug. He nuzzled his face in my neck and then he took a deep breath. I know I am shorter than him so this must have looked weird cause I have gotten use to him lifting me. "You OK?" I asked rubbing his head. He shook his head without being verbal. "Anything I can do" that's when he nod still without looking up. "A kiss?" He shook his head again still without looking up. "Want me to stay over?" That's when he looked up with a great yes. And I couldn't help but laugh at his childish behaviour. Whatever it is that the conversation was about  or whoever it was with, It obviously took a total on Mason. He looked tired, and it was obvious that he wanted to talk but he rather use less words. "Come on, I'll drive you home" I took his hand and led him to the car.

"Riley, it's....." Mason started and the tone of voice concerned me. "Look...."

"Mason, its ok. It won't be a bother if that's where you are getting at" I moved closer to him and took both of his hands. "Stop! If you are about to push me away. Please don't" I smiled at him and he nod.

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