Same Script

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"......She was sleeping with me and my dad" He didn't say anything else, he just stormed off after getting red all over. I was still shocked but then I remembered Robert's words in the kitchen. I left my sponge on the hood of the car and ran in the direction that Mason went but I was stopped by David.

"Maybe you should give him some time" He released my arm.

"Maybe you should go talk to him, he is clearly hurt about something" I was getting frustrated and I really wanted to go talk to him. That was my role to be there for him even when he doesn't want me to be. 

"Deborah is bigger than you"

"Deborah is exactly like me, expect I am sleeping with you and him" David chuckled and shook his head before I continued behind Mason's trail. I was covered in heat and my head was pounding. 

This has happened to him before?

I entered the halls to hear shouting, I was startled a like bit when I heard alot crash. "....Why is she here?" I followed the voice to an classroom occupied by an angry Mason. I held onto the knob and just watched him from the small window. His hair was a mess, he was pacing back and forth, the chairs and desk were separated and he looked like he wanted to run someone over. "Listen to me, why don't you just leave Mom alone and take your whore.....I can call her whatever I want....You ain't fooling anyone....Just remember I am the reason Mom has left yet" He shouted these words at the phone before throwing it across the room. The phone shattered on the wall as if it was nothing. He growled and held on to the teacher's desk and I watched the steam coming from his body. He held his down and his muscles tensed up, I could see his veins printing through his skin. 

I slowly opened the door and he flinched but didn't look up. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I didn't say anything, I made my way over to him and hugged him from behind. His breathing was heavy and his heart was beating fast. I closed my eyes as I held him close to me. 

"I didn't want you to see me like this" He spoke but I could still hear the anger in his voice. "You weren't suppose to see me like this" I didn't know what happened but his voice cracked abit and I opened my eyes.  "You don't deserve to have to pick up pieces you didn't scatter" He was talking about his heart, the pain that was in his voice caused my heart to melt. I didn't know what to say. Was i to tell him that I won't do that to him? but I already am. I am already cheating with someone close to him. I felt the tear welling up in my eyes but Mason turned around in my arms and allowed me to hide my face in his chest. "Baby, I am really sorry" I started shocking my head as I gripped his shirt. "Nobody likes a messed up boyfriend" He joked about that one but I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"Don't be sorry baby, don't be. You are far from being messed up. You are almost perfect" I finally said something. I held onto him as guilt ate away at my inside. I was crying because I was being exactly like Deborah and its obvious that she hurt him alot. And it is still hurting him. 


Stargazing  was Mason's remedy for the episode at school. We didn't go to his house, just grabbed some blankets from my house and my pillows and we settled here in the open field. I sat while Mason rested his head on lap. He hasn't said much after we left the classroom, I even drove us. He has been locked up in his thoughts for most of the ride here. He didn't even care that I got lost alittle. A for the past hour and a half, we have just sat here, looking up. I would glance at him a few times but his eyes were closed. He would sigh and tense a few times but he never said anything. 

Deborah must have been that first love, first crush type. She must have been so special to Mason that he didn't expect that from her. I sighed and shook my head. And now he has opened himself to me and here I am being another Deborah to him. I can't tell him about me and David. How would probably kill me and go after David. The hatred that he has for his father and this girl is like the hatred Mom has for my dad. And he cheated and neglected her, I guess cheating is in my blood. I'll be a fool to not see that Mason is attached to me already.

"Madison is Deborah's daughter" My throat instantly went dry and I looked down to meet his gaze. He was looking directly at me, he exhaled but his blank expression remained the same. "When Dad found out, he wanted her to terminate the pregnancy, that when I found her crying in our bathroom..." He chuckled and shook her head. "She was so depressed that she couldn't even lie to me or maybe she wasn't depressed, she wanted someone to hurt as much as Dad caused her to hurt. She told me she was pregnant and that it was my dad's" He started laughing and I watched the single tear run from his eye. "The look in her eyes and the way she shouted it at me over and over again, she told me that they have been sleeping together for months now and that she loved him and not me" His jaws clenched as he fought back the urge to growl. "I gave Deborah everything, she got all of me. So what more did she want? What could my dad give her that I couldn't?" He removed himself from me and the hood of the car. "AM I NOT ENOUGH?" He shouted and that broke my heart. He wasn't directing the question at me but I was suppose to be asked that same question. My heart ached inside my chest and my tears welled up again. "I loved her Riley, I loved her more than life itself. She broke me and I broke everybody else" He exhaled and punched the air. He turned to look at me and I was horrified by the look in his eyes. "I wanted to choke her to death, I wanted her to suffer but every time I-I saw how my Dad treated her, I pitied her" He was looking straight through me and I was horrified. 

"M-Mason" I hesitated to move towards him. My tear blurred my eyes and I broke down. I brought my hands to my chest as my heart was aching. 

"Baby, no dont cry. Riley, I am sorry for shouting at you." He pulled me over to him and hugged me. I shook my head but couldn't talk, I was choking. "Riley, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will do everything to keep you. You are mine. You make me feel safe and wanted." His words were like bullets to my heart, I gripped my shirt as if it was my heart. I felt as if I was dying. 

"Mason, I am so sorry" I cried into him. I really am. I heard the pain in his voice, his anger was like thunder and he was hurt to the point where he would physically hurt someone. But here I am playing with his heart. If he found out about David and I, I am not only worried about me but what will happen to Mason? His heart is already broken. 

And getting your heart broken by your best friend is much different pain.

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