Don't hold your breath

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"Hey readers...THANK YOU SO MUCH 3k reads and you guys are actually voting. Just hope that I could get some feedback from you guys. The story ain't perfect so I wanna hear what you have to say about my messed up characters. If you want to be harsh go ahead. " 


It has been three whole months since the drama with Mason and David. And as horrible has it is, I am doing better than I was the night I had to cry myself to sleep. And my mother had to play big sister. I wanted to avoid school but I had to go. I ended up leaving the cheer squad after Heather decided that she was going to annoy me, I broke her nose so It was kinda suspension but I left anyways. I was doing ok in school but I tried my best to avoid Mason and the fact that he was still close with David. And also that David and Macy seem ok. I was the only one feeling like their world has ended. 

After everybody returned from Christmas Break, I kinda just as invisible as I could get. News eventually started going around about the break up but there was no story as to why, just rumors that were far from the truth.  And of course Mason was to be blamed and he was continued branded as the player and now I was his recent victim. GREAT! I don't know which is worse, the fact that I miss him and that he is in my reach and I can't do anything or the fact that David and him seem closer than ever. 

"Riley!" I looked up from my blank note book to find Shawn Williams. He is your average student, he isn't a total nerd nor is he a total hottie. He was about 6'1, slender body, pink lips, messy hair. He was cute of course but I am not his crowd nor is he mine. 

"May I help you?" He opened his mouth to say something but he closed it. My words weren't harsh, I didn't intend to be a jerk right now. 

"Just wanted to know if you---"

"No, she is ok" I finally noticed David as he walked into the room. The class room was empty, I didn't even play attention to my surroundings anymore. Briana was really busy so I have been alone most of my time so I just stay inside the empty classrooms to avoid the crowd and Mason. As David got closer to us, Shawn left the room. Maybe I should have still went with his offer even though, he didn't get the chance to finish. I sighed as I made a fail attempt at getting up as David basically placed my ass back on the chair.  "I wanna talk to you". 

I glared at him, I haven't spoken to him since the argument with Mason. He once made a fail attempt at getting my attention by locking us in the bathroom and blocking me so I couldn't get out. I wasn't afraid of David but I wasn't in particular trusting of him either. "I have nothing to say to you." I looked away from him as I started to make an attempt again but he was now holding onto the chair while the other hand is on the desk. 

"I am not going to chase you, I just want to apologize" Is David being for real right now? I didn't look up at him. I don't know if I hated him or what. He wasn't completely to be blamed but I needed to blame someone for this. "As messed up as it is, Its kinda my fault"

"Kinda?" Thats when I looked up at him. I glared at him and I saw the concern in his eyes, kinda like Mason but I can't trust David. 

"Fuck Riley! look me in the eye and tell me you didn't enjoy our precious little secret" And just like that the concern was covered by anger and rage. I looked away from him and thats when he grab hold of my neck, I didn't scream, I couldn't, his mouth on mine proved that from happening. My eyes widened and I pushed against his chest. I couldn't breath but he continued kissing me. He didn't force his tongue in my mouth because I sure as hell would have bitten it off.

"D-David" I uttered out and he pulled away. He released me and moved away from me. He didn't look at me, just leaned against the desk with his head down. I hissed under my breath then stood to walk out the class room. 

"It took me all Christmas Break for Mason to actually talk to me again, then I ended up going to my gramps while telling Mom and Dad that I'm just taking a vacation but instead I was busted up really bad because Mason and I got into a fist fight. He just started dealing with me again but you, Riley, I can't apologize to you because I would be lying" My eyes widen and my heart did a little breaking dance like it did last semester. "I can't say I wont want you when I actually do but all I can do is apology for breaking you and Mason apart". He looked up at me but he didn't do anything else but leave after. 

I sighed in relief that he was gone and took the time to rub my neck before walking out the room. "Dumb ass boys" I hissed as I continued on down the hall. Before I turned into the next hall way to my left, I heard a bang sound like someone being slammed against the lockers. I slowly turned into the hall but my books fell from my hand and my bag off my shoulder. I was shaking as if i had an earthquake inside me. And if my eyes widened any further, they would fall out. 

"M-Mason" His name was a whisper and he didn't hear because he was too busy sucking the soul out of Heather. I looked at the way his hand squeezed her ass and the way her legs wrapped around his way. He had a fist of her hair in his hand which he held like it was rope. 

My throat went dry, but I know I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to pull them apart, smash Heather into the ground then slap Mason as hard as I could possibly go before he got upset. I wanted to cry but I didn't have any tears. "M-Mason" There is the whisper  of his name again. But this time, it's like he heard me, He glanced around as his lips continued onto Heather's neck. He was looking me dead in the eyes as he pushed her harder against the locker. I wanted to scream but I held it in. 

Why can't I move? 

He kept pusher harder against the locker, but he was looking at me the whole time. His hands ventured to her breast and she arched into him but she didn't notice that I was there. I shock my head and a smile grew on his face. He eased her away from the locker and started walking towards me. I held my breath the whole time, as they went into the Janitor's locker. I slowly bent down and took my stuff up before I continued my walk down the hall.

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