Stuck In The Moment

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I doubt happiness can be measured but there were things that just made you feel as if you were gonna die from it. It's at a point right now that no matter the situation, there is always a ray of happiness somewhere. And David was my ray of sunshine, his smile made my mornings better, just to know that he is mine makes me feel tingly inside.
David and I have been doing everything together recently yet we try not to be so obvious. From random kisses when we are alone or in the janitor's closest. We have gotten better yet there was still the factor of his girlfriend. Or maybe I was the fool but she hasn't suspected anything about us. He spends time with her and yes, I got jealous but I have to have some understanding that I am the one invading. I am walking on grounds that I shouldn't be walking on. And our relationship wouldn't be accepted by our parents especially now that they want a child together.
But everything was now boiling down to graduation as final exams had just ended. All the seniors were excited as well as the teachers to get rid of us. Everybody was planning road trips for the summer yet some of us were taken up by the fact that everybody is about to venture into a new Avenue of life.

"You aren't suppose to be in here? " I laughed as David walked into the dressing room as I pulled on a new dress. He placed a finger on his lips before he got closer to me. I did stiffen but I was suppose to be use to David by now yet it doesn't stop me from reacting to him. He took my hair and pulled it into a ponytail before he started kissing my neck from behind, it escalated quickly where my hand found his hair  as he now started sucking and biting the spot. I know he was going to leave a mark, he has been doing that very often these days.  He said he was marking his property.  And a girl couldn't help but blush a bit.

"D-David, we need.... To get out of here" I looked at us in the mirror and he now hugged me, pulling me to him. He stopped kissing my neck and just rest his head on my shoulder.

"Are we really gonna separate this summer? " My breath hitched at this thought.  I have been pushing it aside for a long time because I just wanted to enjoy now. My college choice was based on the fact that I wanted to be away from this new family and the drama of David but now... Now that I have him, I don't wanna let him go.

"Your grandmother wants to see you and my dad wants the same for me, and we won't see.... "

" I know the details Riley, I don't want them to repeat in my head that often. I know I won't see you until Christmas if we even come home.... Maybe we can go then I'll  come to your dad's home or something " He didn't look up nor did he move, He just held me there.

I took hold of his hand eased him off so I could turn to look at him.  His tall figure towered over me and his eyes searched mine." I love you and no matter where we go, we'll always find each other again.... I know that and I believe it with all my heart" I tried to pull a smile but he just chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Leave the speeches to me kitten" He turned and walked out the dressing room but I couldn't help but smile and feel warm inside. 


"My baby is growing up so fast" Mom looked at the dress I decided to go with for graduation. She was emotionally so I did expect the tears and the extra care. I am going to miss her the most, I believe. She has always been my big sister, considering that she had me when she was 24. But I love her and now I am gonna leave her.

"Mom, you are being dramatic right now, I'll  call and visit when I can. You know I'll be home more than David " I laughed a little to shake the sudden sadness but it was the truth.

"Speaking of David, I need to speak to him" She kissed my forehead then hustled out the room. I sighed a bit before heading to the bathroom to remove my make up. But I held on to the counter as I had this sharp pain in my belly. I held the spot but brushed it off, everybody's cycle changes eventually maybe I'll have cramps this time around. I pulled my hair into a messy bun before I went back to put the dress in the closet. I pulled my comforter off the bed before turning the lights off and getting under the covers. I hugged my pillow as another sharp pain happened, I squeezed the spot as it started to fade. 
The sound of the door opening and revealing David, that's when I removed myself from the bed.

"You OK? " He made his way over.

"Just my time of the month" He kissed my forehead before getting into the bed anyway. I got my stuff from the chess of drawers and did what I had to do. I got back into bed and snuggled beside David who throw his hand over me. 

"Need pain killers this time? " He asked as he kissed my cheek.

"No, I'll be OK. I am probably just tired" I snuggled closer to him then turned on my side. He kissed the nip of my neck before he started dozing off.


I sat on the side of the tub so I was close to the towel. I woke up this morning vomiting like crazy. And this isn't normal because I had a few spotting. I cried my eyes out and did a pregnancy test that came out  negative so I stopped and just calm myself down without waking David up. It was almost time for us to head to school for the graduation practice and I wasn't feeling my best for this. But I woke David up, sent him to his room because as expected Mom was gonna come in my room.
I was fully dressed when she came in, my hair was down even though outside was hot as hell.

"Tomorrow is the big day, today is the final practice. Baby how are you feeling?" I pulled a smile as I tried to convince myself that I should tell her the truth.

"Mom, I am fine. Just nervous but I am fine" I was feeling light headed but not that much to faint but enough to know that I need to rest a bit.

"Just be OK, I am proud of you and I love you and I can't wait to see you being great" She kissed my forehead and held my cheeks. "I am happy that you turned out to be such a great person and no matter what decisions you make, I'll try my best to be your mother and support you" Maybe I should be cry but I pulled my smile and hugged her. She wouldn't be saying that if she knew what was happening between me and David. She wouldn't be proud if she knew I cheated on Mason with David while he is cheating on Macy with me.

"Mom" My voice cracked and I closed my eyes as I didn't feel as satisfied with myself as she does. My heart broke a bit at the time of deceiving her. We use to be so close and now here I am lying to her.

"Baby, save the tears for tomorrow. Please don't cry" I opened my teary eyes and they made contact with David who looked at me with concern as I hugged mom.

And in that moment, just like Adam and Eve, I saw the tragedy that laid ahead for David and I.

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