Never be like you

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It has been two weeks since that night and Mason and I have been together more than usual. He waits on me after class, we eat lunch together, we go home together well he comes to my house then we head out to the field. He hasn't been talking much, just holds me close to him most of the time. He will play with my hair, rub my tummy even kiss up and down my spine to his contentment. He would try his best to content the anger that he had. He would walk away from me or his grip on my hand would tighten. I couldn't do much, I just have to be there for him and let guilt eat me away. Whenever I got some alone time, like if  I have to use the bathroom or went I am home for a few minutes while he is at practice, the only thing i can do is stare at the floor. I didn't feel empty...I was feeling guilty but yet my mind wondered off to David. 

Is this a love triangle? 

I slammed my locker shut as I turned to go meet Mason by his car. Either since the car wash, I have been abit different. I wasn't as preppy as before, I was frustrated and I was abit worried. I pushed some loose strands of my hair behind my ears as I continued down the hall. Everybody was already gone, I had cheer practice today. I don't even know why I am still a cheerleader. I am really getting gloomy.   

It was long before I was pulled into the next hallway and pushed against the lockers. I looked at David with widened eyes as he pinned me there. 

"Are you crazy? Let go of me" I struggled in his grips that only tightened the more I tried to get out. "I am going to meet...." His lips smashed against mine. I didn't close my eyes, I was looking around to see if anybody was coming while I pushed him off. I pushed against his chest but he wasn't moving. When he forced his tongue in my mouth, I bit him causing him to move away. 

"You bit me" He looked at me confused as I fixed myself. "Riley?"

"Look, I am sorry about biting you. I am sorry about whatever it is that is happening between us but for right now, I need to be with my boyfriend." I pointed at him as I fixed my bag on my shoulder. David shook his head at me then ran his fingers through his hair. "We can't keep doing this and you know it".

"Now you wanna stop? Just because Mason is having alittle break down? After all those nights when you took advantage of me...Now you  wanna stop?" He shook his head again and the guilt within me was eating me alive. I looked away from him and tighten the grip on my bag strap. 

"You can't..." Before I could finish speaking, David took a step towards me and I step fear?

"This isn't only about you" He looked down at me before disappearing down the hall. I sighed as I lend against the lockers. I looked at my white sneakers and tried to calm down. I didn't want Mason to see me like this. I was flustered by David and now I feel obligated.  

This was all my fault. I didn't know such harmless games could turn into this. Maybe David does have feelings for me, he did say that but....Dammit!!! Why didn't I just say something? He doesn't have sex with me in his sleep anymore, he is already doing it so I guess that desire is fulfilled but now this....He is attached and jealous. 

I sighed before I started making my way to find Mason. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed him talking to his father. He looked upset and by the way his father was gesturing, he was trying to calm him down. Their words weren't audible but I know when Mason is angry and this is one of the moments. He pointed at his father and I flinched alittle but I didn't move towards them. I don't think I should get involved in this. 

"I thought you were already gone" Briana appeared beside me but her eyes caught Mason and his dad. I have tried my best to keep Briana in on the loop but it's really difficult when I am barely figuring out what to do with all this mess I am in. "Wow, maybe you should go over there" Briana touched my arm. "I'll talk to you later Riley" Briana walked off to her car. I took a deep breath and continued over to Mason slowly. I was nervous but yet I had to go over to him. I didn't want him to leash out at me nor did I want to be any worse than I already am. I caught his dad's attention and with that Mason looked at me too. His expression soften to one of sadness but his dad was furious. 

"Mason, just come home for your mom's sake and your sister's" His father spoke while looking directly at me. He walked away on that note and cursed under his breath but yet loud enough for us to hear. 

"Mason...." I touch his arm as he watched his father stroll to his car. "Mason, maybe you should go home." That caused him to tense and he looked at me shocked. "I don't mean it in a bad way or anything but your mom probably misses you and...."

He shook his head and he moved away from me so I lost my grip on his arm. He exhaled before turning to me again, his expression soften but he was deep in his thoughts. Like he was trying to process something that needed about a month to process but he was doing all that right now. 

"Alright, I'll drop you off and then I'll head home" I smiled abit before walking to him to pull him into a hug. "But I can't promise you that I'll be perfect" He kissed the top of my head but I just held onto him. 


Nobody told me that today was parent day because once I got home, my mother called me into a family meeting. I was now sitting around the dining room table with her on the other side looking at me. She was silent and I was too. 

"Mom" I started, I was gonna apologize for not being home for the past few days or so. But she stopped me when she held her hand up. 

"Riley honey, I understand that you are with Mason now and I get it that girlfriends need to spend time with their boyfriends" She sighed and looked away from me. "But Honey, I have never restricted you in anyway, your father and I have always been your friends. But now i would really appreciate it if you actually would tell me when you are going to take my sheets and pillows and go on sleeping trips with your boyfriends" She now looked at me. She wasn't upset, just concerned and i get that. My mother has always been considerate, she has always been my big sister even though she is still my mother. 

"Mom, I need to ask you something" I fixed myself properly on the chair as i wasn't quite sure if I wanted to tell her about Mason and I or David and I. She was already waiting and she has that anticipatory look on her face so why not. 

"Mom, I cheated on Mason" I didn't squeeze my eyes shut, I didn't even blink, I was just waiting on her to respond but her eyes widened and she relaxed in the chair. "I was intentional....Mom, please don't yell at me, but I love...the other person".

"Does the other person know that you have a boyfriend? Does he love you? Did you have sex with Mason? Oh my God..." I didn't know if she was panicking or not but she just asked the questions right from the tip of her tongue. 

"Yes he knows and He says he does. But Mom, I think I am falling in love with Mason" I covered my mouth as I felt as if I was about to cry. I wanted to cry but I don't deserve to be pitied right now. "I can't even say that I tried to resist the other person." I looked away from my mother's gaze and took interest in the polished wooden table top.

"Riley..." I wasn't going to look at her now, she hasn't heard everything, I can just imagine how she would react if she found out it was David. "Riley, things happen but mistake made more than once becomes a decision" She was speaking from her past hurts with my dad. I felt bad because I remember how my mother cried and she pretended to be happy even though she tried her best to live with it. "Honey, I will always love you but this isn't about me so I want you to look at me" I sighed before I met her gaze and she smiled at me then took my hands when I placed them on the table. "The only thing you can do is forgive yourself, make it right with Mason. And decide on how you are going to move forward." She released my hand and removed herself from the table but she didn't walk away, she turned to look at me with the smile still on her face. "And baby, it's either you tell him or he is going to find out. And you don't want him to find out on his own. You'll have a better chance if you tell him."

"Mom, I can't" I was about to protest when I saw that look in her eyes. She was smiling but she still had some hidden hurt in her eyes.

"Baby, if you don't tell him, he is going to think he wasn't enough for you so he isn't good enough for the truth" She reached and touched my hand again. "Make it right."

I didn't stay long around the table after it took awhile for her words to set in. I made my way up the stairs, but I stopped when my eyes caught David's room door. It was closed and the music was on, he was in there. Maybe I should go apologize for biting him or just say you're home. I moved towards the door but stopped before I could knock. 

"Make it right, Riley" I whispered to myself before turning for my room. I walked in and closed the door behind, I locked while I squeezed my eyes shut. 

Maybe I should doing something different.

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