Bounce Back

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I would be lying if i said that my mind wasn't messed up but even though I didn't want to go to school the next morning, I did. I stared dressing like myself again, maybe I was taking this situation too seriously. He has alright to move on and I do too. Yes i understand that I cheated on him but I am pretty sure, he has cheated on somebody. Everybody deserves forgiveness at some point but since you don't want to forgive me, I am just gonna live my life.

I did cry when I got home, I did scream and throw myself around my room but I eventually had to stop. I was feeling exhausted and I felt as if I was going to pass out. I was thinking about why he decided to make out with Heather, it would have been better if he did it with Briana. I would have understood but Heather is everybody's girl.

I got to school late because I was back on my regular routine, I walked into class and ignored my teacher, getting into my seat with all eyes on me. I didn't care that everybody probably heard that Heather is with Mason now. Frankly I didn't care.
I popped my favourite bubblegum in and did what I did best. Annoy the heck out of everybody. But nobody said anything to my bubble popping. Just got a glare from Heather. I wasn't in for the high school cliché but I knew it was gonna happen. Heather is a high school cliché. It isn't like she has a sad back story like Mason or David. She just lives for the hype of high school. Which by the way ends in a few months.

"Can't you stop?" She finally speaks from the back of the class. Like what Cheerleader sits in the back. Punks like me should be in the back. Mr Wilde was the worst/best teacher in the entire population of teachers. He cared about nothing except wishing persons 'Happy Birthday' on Facebook. All he did today was issue an pop quiz and returned to his laptop. Yes the class was an easy grade but come on.

I should ignore Heather or its gonna escalate to rumors that I hate because everybody is gonna believe that it is because of Mason which it is but who doesn't like a morning fight. I continued popping as I glanced around at her. She was glaring at me but I didn't care. The chewing helped me focus plus I wasn't popping as often. She just wanted something to say.

"You are such a bitch" she hissed. And that just made me laugh because it was true but damn! She finally identified one of her own kind. "I don't even see why you are being so annoying? Nobody cares if you are miserable".  OK, I knew she was gonna bring it up. I keep showing the girl up and now she has my boyfriend.....I mean ex boyfriend. I still don't understand what the hell he is doing with her. " Stop annoying everyone because Mason played you and dumped you like the trash ass bitch you are".

OK, that hit a nerve. But I didn't attack her, I just turned to look at her as did everybody in the class turned to look at me. I was knew to be the violent type, I got into fights all the time with my half latina ass but I had the passion to beat these type girls in. "I am not even gonna go there with your desperate ass, we are grown now. University in a few months and I ain't got time to bust your noses up again" I smiled at her and now she got the spotlight. I was waiting for Sir to quiet us down but he didn't say shit. He is probably just as interested. Heather decided that it was her best interest to get up and walk over to me. I guess you feel powerful when you tower over somebody.

"Stop being a sad bitch because your boyfriend left you, it ain't my fault. He wanted me and not you" Of course he didn't tell her the truth. He wouldn't want anybody to know about David betraying him or he just doesn't want anybody to see his soft side. Damn! I really messed up with Mason so this bitch boasting in my ears about him is probably what I deserve.

"It's definitely not your fault he left me for you. Just happy for you" I pulled on my fakest smile and turned facing the desk. It isnt that I can't floor her but my emotions are going to get the best of me.

Lunch time came around but not quick enough. I sat with Briana who filled me in on her latest intervention quest. She was getting soft but she was still Savage. Briana was changing, I can see where she has taken school very serious. But she still finds time to be cruel. I haven't updated her on the latest saga of my life but its OK, she'll get all of it soon.

"Hey Riley" Shawn Williams slowed down by our table.

"What's up?" Briana shoot me a look and her eyes were squirming.

"I wanted to know if you would like to hang out later?" Briana widen her eyes but it is a good thing. Shawn couldn't see her facial expression. "Ice Scream?"

"Definitely, I'll meet you there?" He nod then walked off. That's when Briana did her little girl scream and grabbed my hands.

"You are back on the map and this time with someone who isn't idolized in school. This is great and I heard he wants to go to Stanford too, oh my..." Briana was really excited about this. I was too but I want Mason back but that didn't seem possible. He doesn't wanna hear from me. "...Riley, please don't get sad over Mason. You have so much to be happy for. Just put him aside." I pulled a faint smile for her sake but then she stiffed abit. Her eyes dart pass mine and I was afraid to look around so I didn't.

By the now audible giggling, I know that Heather and Mason just walked in. Mason didn't care about me or maybe he was making it his duty to annoy me. And with Heather,  he was doing that. Briana released my hand and continued writing whatever she was writing while I got back to my Apple salad.
"Briana, we have practice later. Don't be late" Heather stopped by our table while my eyes followed Mason to his table with David and Macy. He didn't even look at me, its like I don't even exist to him. I sighed before someone slammed on the table. I turned to look at Heather.

"Why are you looking at him?" She spoke while glaring at me.

"Are you being serious right now?!?" Briana glared at Heather.

"Shut up Briana or you are off the squad and kiss that scholarship good bye" Was Heather being serious! I turned my attention to her after Briana dropped her offense.

"You need to remember where your place is" My words seem to burn into her skin as she eased away from the table. "It's OK, that you are getting on my nerve about Mason but don't drag Briana into this" I stood up from my seat as The on lookers throw some 'oohs' our way.

"Did I touch a spot? Or you just trying to...." Before my fist could connect with her jaw, it was stopped by Mason. Our eyes were locked on each other as he held my fist. "Oh my...thank you babe" Heather clung to him like a defenseless worm. I hissed and pulled my fist away from him but I used the other hand to slap him across the face. The gasps echoed along with the slap.

"Don't you ever think that you hurting me is gonna stop the hurt you felt" I grabbed my bag and marched out the cafe.

Tears filled my eyes. My heart was aching. I felt so embarrassed. I have held in so much from Heather's taunting now I feel so betrayed by Mason. Yet it's all my fault.

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