25. An A.M. Poem

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I wrote this not that long ago just to let out some anger and fear and other emotions. Enjoy, vote and comment. It means the world to know someone enjoys my work. I know I say that constantly but it's true. Love you guys(:

(Called the A.M. Poem because, as most of my work is, it was written in the dead of night in the early hours of the new day. I become drunk on the night and write deeply and passionately around then.)

Fearful as every inch of hell,

No one ever hears me yell

The spiteful words,

Flipping the birds,

Faster than you could say breakable.

People see me as quiet and strange,

Trying to breathe,

attempting to change.

My mind keeps on spinning,

thoughts focused on winning,

But no one believes I am capable

Of being myself

Without anyone else.

Why does the world think

I'm a puppet?

I have my own thoughts,

my own brain,

my own voice.

I wish that I didn't grow up in

A place of terror, self-pity, and stress,

A place where people try to be best,

and kill themselves

when success flees;

A city standing on weaker knees.

Screaming into the shadows,

wanting to cry myself to sleep,

But I waited too long and

my tears have all gone.

There are too many promises to keep.

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~Dust the Great

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