54. Never Doubt Us (Even Through the Lies and Fame)

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Even though we have to hide

everything we feel inside,

don't ever doubt our love.

Even though the world is cold,

never fear as we grow old.

When push comes to shove,

never doubt us.

Because, I will never leave you.

Oh bravery, set us free!

and all I want is for them to know

That you are stuck on me.

Flashing lights;

Too many fights,

but with each word I pray

That for us, in the future,

We'll be free of this someday.

So I do what's right,

but those sleepless nights,

No promises then,

'Cause I'm never alright.

Without you here in my arms,

Life is worthless.

Purposeless to a T.

Without your light in this endless dark,

I'd be lonely.



But freedom without you

is so pointless to me.

Lying to prove a picture.

It's so perfect, though untrue.

Faking these relationships,

I fake it all for you.

Freedom, lovely freedom.

Miss how you feel against my skin.

Love me! Do they love me?

Maybe but tough like a kick

to the shin.

Remember back in the better days,

Life was hard but I could stay

sitting next to you,

and that was enough?

Remember back in two oh ten,

Wish we could travel back again

To the times where love was

celebrated and beloved?

I long to only show you off.

Love wasn't meant to be hidden.

I wanna just come out and say it.

but our affections are so forbidden.

I plead my case

But no one cares.

I try to rebel

But no one dares,

To go against the words

Of those who'd end us

in a minute.

If I so chose to release the truth.

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