30. The Girl by Whisper's Creek

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I wrote this in like fifteen minutes and didn't read it over so yeah... I like it though. It's interesting, different than anything I usually do. Tell me what you think of it in the comments below! Vote, comment, follow me for more

a-mazing poems!!!

Have you ever stop to speak

To the girl by Whisper's Creak?

She stands all day

And cries all night;

Wishes peace would conquer fight.

With long blonde hair;

blue eyes so bright.

Smiles wide but her chest's so tight.

Waiting for one to set things right.

And free her from the numbness.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I wonder if you've seen her before,

The sweet young maid

knocking on your door

Dreaming and praying

for something more,

Living the hardships of the poor.

She used to be in your same grade

But no one loved her;

she began to fade.

Curling in on her young self

Never dependent to anyone else.

And no one knew

but who would've cared.

No one she thought,

and who would've dared

To break the chain of stabs in the back

When consequences

were sure to attack.

As soon as she had turned her back

And give them a chance.

Her parents fought like cats and dogs.

Her vision of life was visibly fogged.

Her throat and ears so terribly clogged

With lies and deadly games.

The friends were many

but the caring one's few,

No one around to hold onto.

It got to her dearly,

and the solution so clearly,

Unfortunately got to her too.

No one missed her

'til they called roll.

Then someone asked

where young Ms. Cole

Was hiding and

from by the creek came clear,

a soft low whisper,

a voice that said "Here".

They searched high and low

But the future looked bleak.

Her shoe four days later

was found in the creak.

But each who was asked

spoke of the whisper so clear,

Anyone could've heard

the girl say she was here.

So was it just insanity?

Or maybe something more?

Whatever you decide to believe,

remember to lock your door.

Have you ever stop to speak

To the girl by Whisper's Creak?

She stands all day

And cries all night;

Wishes peace would conquer fight.

With long blonde hair and eyes so blue

She's sixteen going on forty two.

Heartbreakingly beautiful

but no one had a clue.

Until it was too late..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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~Dustin the Great

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